Fishman, Yitzhak (Itche)

Fishman, Yitzhak (Itche)

Born in 1902 in the town of Wlodawa, Poland, to a traditional family, he attended the high school in his hometown, where he joined the Polish army and served there for four years, And in 1925 they arrived on the ship to the port of Jaffa and settled in the Neve Tzedek neighborhood, where two children who died from childhood were born. Over the years, the couple had four other children: a son and three daughters. Yitzhak was an excellent metalworker, and Egged asked him to perform various works for her. As a member of the Haganah and despite his age, he used to go on guard duty. On the 2nd of Adar 2 5708 (March 2, 1948), when he was in a guard post in the south of the city, he was mortally wounded in the back by shots fired from a British armored vehicle. He was evacuated to the hospital but died shortly after. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak. He left a wife and four children.

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