Fisher, Eliyahu (Elias)

Fisher, Eliyahu (Elias)

Ben Feiga and Chaim Caroll. Born in Romania on March 23, 1946, he began his elementary studies in Romania and in 1960 immigrated to Israel with his family, where they established their new home in Kfar Hassidim. In October 1963, Elias was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces and was assigned to the Israel Air Force. He received various courses and courses in the field of radios, his grades were excellent, and he was certified as a computer engineer in control and automation. His commanders testified that he did not have a radio transmitter whose features were hidden from him. He knew and knew the souls of airplanes like the Vetor, Mr. Skyhawk and many others. All the way he was characterized by responsibility and care and adherence to the tasks to the smallest details. He became an airborne contact, and thanks to him they could talk. As it is said: “Regardless of the airplane is like a mute.” In 1970 he married Esther and his three children were born. Elias was very talented, drew magnificent paintings and left behind a collection of paintings and many artworks. In 1985 Elias became ill and stayed at home for a long time. On the 17th of Tevet 5749 (January 4, 1989) Elias fell during his service. He died after being hospitalized for ten days at the Elisha Hospital in Haifa, and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa. Survived by a wife, two sons – Haim and David, daughter of Sigal, and mother. He was forty-three when he died. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “He served in the Air Force for many years, and spent twenty-five years of training, development and progress in which he excelled throughout the course of his career, He strove to continue to develop and develop with the development of technology, and so when his illness and ability declined, he continued to contribute thanks to his clear head, he invested his skills in computing and developing software until his last days … ” In his memory.

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