Fish, Aaron

Fish, Aaron

Son of Moshe and Chava. He was born on the second day of Sukkot, 14.10.1935 in Haifa, the eldest son of his parents, one of the first of Kfar Hasidim and one of his founders, and after completing his studies with honors, he continued his Torah studies at the Tiferet Israel Yeshiva in Haifa. When he was forced to leave the yeshiva bench and go to his father’s help in the farm, after his older brothers were called to serve in the army, he did not forget to study Gemara, and he was also in the army after a day of training and traveling. , For the noble qualities of his soul and respect him for the love of the Torah in his Lev, was drafted into the IDF in January 1955 as part of the Nahal Brigade and was a member of the 25 th ” Bnei Akiva”. He stood ready for every operation and was the first to offer any help. He underwent a saboteurs course and dealt with his role as a saboteur with the same level of loyalty he had shown to the Torah studies and the earthwork. A week before his release from the army, on the eve of Friday, March 11, 1956, he fell in battle near Qalqiliya and was brought to rest in the cemetery in Kfar Hasidim, his memory was included in the pamphlet Kislev, The newspaper of the religious kibbutz) and in the new issue of Zeraim (the Bnei Akiva newsletter in Israel). It was also mentioned in Uri Milstein’s book, “The Paratroop Wars.”

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