Fenigstein, Aryeh (Arik)

Fenigstein, Aryeh (Arik)

Aryeh, son of Batsheva and Ze’ev Fenigstein, was born on 25.6.1929 in Jerusalem. He grew up and was educated in a home that had a musical tradition. His father played in the Jerusalem orchestra and for many years was a member of the police orchestra. With the outbreak of the War of Independence he became a convoys escort. On Sunday, May 15, 1948, at 5 am, he left with his company from the Generali building in Jerusalem to assist the forces that fought against him. With enemy forces near the wall of the Old City, near Barclays Bank, his unit was caught in enemy fire. When he helped the injured, a bullet hit the grenade in his belt, the grenade exploded and Aryeh was killed on the spot. He was buried in Sanhedria. On September 19, 1951, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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