Feldman, David (Dudi)

Feldman, David (Dudi)

David (Dudi), son of Ida and Yosef, was born in Tel Aviv on March 29, 1952. He attended the “Rishonim” elementary school in Daughter of-Yam, In the early years of the school, my uncle was the favorite child of his teachers, and they were very fond of him and nurtured him: He was a very active and playful boy, and in the higher grades the teachers used to say to his parents in sorrow, That he could have been a very good student if he had wanted more, and David was a member of the Scouts movement for a while and was a basketball fan and played a lot in this game. He devoted much of his free time to graphology and was able to sit for hours and analyze manuscripts, always being very sociable, organizing various activities with his friends and home, always with friends and friends. His high school students, his sister, he understood his parents, and was an assistant and a consultant to his sister, and because he was very interested in a profession, And he worked for his father as an electrician. Dudi was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early November 1970 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, and after completing his basic training course in tanks and tank commanders, he was trained at the Armored Corps School. He was a student of law and economics, and at the end of his studies he was admitted to the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Bar-Ilan University in 1973. To marry his girlfriend after he had completed his regular service When the Yom Kippur War broke out, my uncle was on leave, although he was not called to report, he soon joined the fighters, and since he was not yet assigned to a reserve duty, he joined the ” On October 17, 1973, when he attacked a target in the area of ​​the Chinese Farm in an attempt to rescue injured paratroopers who were lying in the area, my uncle was hit by a bullet and critically wounded in the head. And died of his wounds on the 26th of Tishrei 5734 (October 22, 1973). He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to the rank of sergeant. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “He does not save paratroopers and is hurt.

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