Feldman, Ariel

Feldman, Ariel

Ben Nehama and Dan. Born on 18.4.1979 in Ramat Hasharon, a younger brother to Michal and Boaz. Ariel attended the Or HaShachar State Religious School in Ramat Hasharon and continued his studies at Kiryat Yaakov Herzog in Kfar Sava. Before graduating from high school, he graduated from the “Madrissit Noam” school in Pardes Hannah, where he always stood with Israel, the Land of Israel and the Torah of Israel, and he worked with his personal initiatives to realize these values ​​and promote them. But with his timid shy smile, as if to say, “I only helped a little …” Ariel found himself contributing from his time and energy to the establishment of the “Young” Bnei Akiva branch in Ramat Hasharon, as one of the “elders” Who is in need of a ride, who has difficulty in training, what else can be done to attract additional students to the branch, and how they receive greater support from their parents, The special way. As a trainee religious Zionism, Ariel decided to continue settlement meeting – meeting of the Golan Heights, which Hispin. In June of 1998, after a period of study at the meeting, Ariel joined the IDF. He insisted on joining a forward unit and was appointed as a noncommissioned officer in the north of the country, and Ariel was very motivated and devoted to his work, “said his commander, Col. Alon,” and succeeded in advancing many of the issues in his field. , Who was clever, independent in carrying out his duties, was a personal example to others and was admired by his friends and commanders. ” During his service, Ariel was promoted to sergeant. Ariel’s wish, which he did not have time to fulfill, was to raise a profile and join his combat comrades. His friends in Ariel’s unit remember how, at the expense of his spare time, he loaded a whole vehicle with Purim Purim deliveries prepared by Ramat Hasharon students, and moved to another outpost stationed on the Lebanese border to distribute them to the soldiers. The initiative and implementation were all his own, but as usual, Ariel moved away from pride and respect. The soldiers said that “in Ramat HaSharon they organized and gathered,” and the school principals in Ramat Hasharon said that “the guys in the army are raising.” On Saturday, “Acharei Mot,” on the 24th of Nisan 5760, three days after his 21st birthday, Ariel called the weekly Torah portion, his Bar Mitzvah, and the Haftarah. Six days later, on the eve of Shabbat “Kedoshim”, on the 5th of Nisan 5760 (5.5.2000), Ariel was buried at sea and returned to his Creator, and was buried at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, Tel Aviv. Ariel, on the occasion of the second anniversary of his death, was brought in with a new Torah scroll, written especially for Ariel, to the Bnei Akiva branch in Ramat Gan. Sharon.

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