Farjun, Yitzhak (Gingi)

Farjun, Yitzhak (Gingi)

Son of Yaffa and Bachor was born on the 17th of Tevet 5725 (17.1.1925) in Safed. After graduating from elementary school, he studied literature and was the sole breadwinner of the large and numerous family (brothers and sisters). In spite of the heavy burden that lay on his young shoulders, Yitzhak was a devoted and dedicated Haganah member who devoted many hours of his time. For almost a year he had served as a guard. They always saw him smiling and cheerful, joking with his friends and inspiring a good and encouraging spirit. During the War of Independence, when the city of Safed was besieged and attacked, Yitzhak was one of the first volunteers to protect the Jewish Quarter and the roads leading to it. During a particularly strong attack by the Arab enemy, he was sent to one of the most extreme positions, and there, too, he did not stop encouraging his comrades, but a sniper bullet pierced his head. on April 26, 1948. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Safed.

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