Ezri, Moshe-Yihya

Ezri, Moshe-Yihya

Son of-Shoshana and Ezra was born in Tiberias in 1948. He studied at a Talmud Torah and an elementary school in Tiberias and continued his high school studies in Haifa, he learned mechanics and frames, and despite his youth he was soon the main supporter of the family. He was a good friend, with a strong public and national sense, who responded with great awareness to the phenomena of life. He fought in Europe against the Nazis, where he met with the refugees of Israel, and with all his energy he joined the survivors’ aid and brought them to Israel, and when he returned to Israel after his discharge, he enlisted as an additional policeman in Haifa He devoted his energies to repairing his family’s decrepit condition, buying a truck and supporting the family with dignity, and took part in all the Haganah’s positions in guard duty and training, and was among the first to enlist in the IDF. He participated in the battles of the Upper Galilee, Tirat Zvi, Mishmar HaEmek, Beit Keshet, the Jordan Valley and the Triangle, as well as the Jewish conquest of Wilhelm, Lod and Ramle. Finally, he served in the Givati ​​Brigade in the south, where he participated in several battles in the “Yoav” operation to break the road to the Negev. He was seriously injured in the head, taken to Tel Litvinsky Hospital, where he died of his wounds on October 22, 1948. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa.

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