Ezra, Molo (Avi)

Ezra, Molo (Avi)

Ben Havtam (Yehudit) and Koko. He was born on July 2, 1986, in Ethiopia. Brother to Abraham, Malka, Shlomo, Rachel, Michael, Daniel, Herut, Itzik, Gabi, Eli and Yossi. My father immigrated to Israel with his family when he was four, at the end of January 1990. At first the family was housed in the Beit Eliezer absorption center in Hadera, and later moved to her permanent home in Netanya. Here my father was educated at the Rashi State elementary school and at the six-year-old Eldad High School, and my father, or as he was called by many, always smiled and radiated love and warmth to the environment, He was an active member of the “Café for Youth” (Nordau Community Center) in Netanya, where he served as a guide, and the young trainees and graduates saw him as a role model. During the summer, Avi taught at the community center and was known as a charismatic and beloved guide. After the camp was completed, he received a certificate of excellence for being an outstanding instructor, for his dedication to training and his attitude toward campers. Above all, my father was a devoted and loving family member, resourceful and protective, and always worried about his brothers and his parents. He loved to read, and he gave this love to his brother as well. Many books remain in his estate. When my father was in third grade, there was an incident that left his mark on the family and will never be forgotten. One day my father and brother watched me on television while their younger brother Yossi played in the yard. Suddenly a large fire broke out in the yard, which began to spread, and Yossi, caught in the flames, burst out screaming. Eli tried to open the door of the house, but it refused to open because of the heat. My father managed to pound the door and open it, jumped heroically into the flames and rescued his younger brother. Immediately after that, he ran quickly and called for help, while his father tried to extinguish the fire with water bottles. When the rescue forces arrived, the fire was extinguished with fire extinguishers. Thanks to my father, the brothers were saved. One of my father’s great loves was music. He listened to music in a variety of styles and languages ​​- rap, trance, reggae, and also enjoyed oriental music. He created music himself, in different rhythms, wrote songs and composed. He was very fond of dancing and was an excellent dancer who excited others and excited the dancing crowd with his movements and his flexibility. The girls followed him, and wherever he went, he was enormously popular. Avi was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces on April 15, 2004. He served in Battalion 432 and served as a dedicated and acceptable soldier to his commanders and friends, and Corporal Avi Ezra fell during his duty on Sunday, September 5, 2005 Nineteen years old. He was laid to rest at the Netanya military cemetery. Survived by parents and eleven brothers and sisters. “My acquaintance with Mello (my father) and my conversations with his commanders and friends is a picture of a special fighter and a smiling, curious, thoughtful person, and especially a great friend. Was one of the pillars of the department, the company, and even the entire battalion. “

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