Even-Paz, Abraham

Even-Paz, Abraham

Son of Tova and Zalman z “l, was born on February 22, 1950 in Tiberias, where his six-year-old son moved to Hadera, where he studied at the Kaplan elementary school and the Amal vocational school. Avraham was a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement and aspired to join the nucleus that would settle in the Golan Heights, where he absorbed the atmosphere of volunteerism and the willingness to help others, and he did nothing that did not match his inner truth “He hated hypocrisy and pretense in his private life and social life.In February 1969, Avraham was drafted into the army and volunteered to serve in the Shaked reconnaissance unit, He decided to fulfill his dream and to engage in educational and training roles, and when he completed his officers’ course, he began to instruct and continued with command positions within the framework of the Nahal Brigade. He participated in the establishment of outposts, which eventually became permanent settlements. Because of his devotion, Even-Paz was a trusted man of his friends and subordinates. His devotion to work knew no bounds. “Labor and Ibn Paz went hand in hand,” wrote a citizen from Kiryat Arba who knew him. His superiors learned to appreciate his diligence, and he was called upon to perform hard work that required devotion and perseverance. After doing his job, he helped others complete their work. “Wherever there was a need for help there, Even-Paz was found.” He liked everything and took part in all social events. After returning from the Yom Kippur War, he married Gilo and was proud of the family he established. Abermick was proud of nothing but the pride he had taken pride in his daughters. He wanted to give them a Simcha childhood, but he did not. On the 28th of Elul 5744 (25.9.1984), Avremik fell during his service and was brought to eternal rest in the burial plot of IDF soldiers in the cemetery in Hadera, leaving behind a wife and four daughters, a mother and a brother in permanent army

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