Eliovitz, Yehuda

Eliovitz, Yehuda

Son of Bracha and Elchanan. Born in 1907 in the town of Kartuz-Barze, Grodno, Russia, his family immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1911 and settled in Yavne’el, where he received his first education in a Talmud Torah in the village and later moved to the local school where he completed his studies. He studied the Bible and he read many of it and recited chapters of poetry. When he finished school, as a boy, he entered the farm and devoted himself to it with all his might. Nevertheless, he traveled with friends around the country, even in difficult and dangerous places, to climb the high mountains, and to visit ancient sites. On March 14, 1937, Yehuda returned with two of his friends from Beit Gan to his colony and all three of them were members of the ” Were shot from ambush by Arabs. Yehuda managed to fight the murderers and remove the rifle from one of them, but was shot by a second murderer and killed on the spot. He was brought to eternal rest in Yavne’el. On the 30th day of the murder, he was placed in the same place as the “Mishmar Hashlosha” moshav in memory of Yehuda and his friends.

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