Elbogen, Yehuda-Aryeh

Elbogen, Yehuda-Aryeh

Yehudah Aryeh, son of Leah and Moshe Yosef Elbogen was born in the city of Debrecen in Hungary on January 27, 1930. He excelled in his studies and absorbed a Zionist spirit from his home. In 1942 he lost his father, who perished in a labor camp in Russia. Yehuda-Aryeh immigrated to Israel on December 28, 1947 and was one of the founders of the “Shorashim” group in Kfar Glickson and volunteered to serve in the Alexandroni Brigade. On the day of the establishment of the State, Yehuda-Aryeh wrote to his mother “…Do not be afraid for me to be in the army…I have often seen the death before my eyes, but it did not frighten me…all for the sake of the homeland.” In the 10-day battles between the first and second interruptions during Operation Danny, Yehuda-Aryeh was among the attackers of the village of Kula. On July 15, 1948, in the evening, his company replaced another company from the brigade in the posts east of Kula. On the morning of the 9th of Tammuz 5708 (July 16, 1948), the Legion forces attacked the fort with artillery and armored vehicles, swept the positions of the platoon at the front post and forced the company to retreat. Yehuda-Aryeh died in this operation at the age of 18 and was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Netanya.

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