Elad, Dror

Elad, Dror

The eldest son of Gilo and Samuel. He was born on January 31, 1970, in Kibbutz Nachshon in the Ayalon Valley. Dror grew up and was educated in the kibbutz. From childhood, he was connected to his friends in the Snunit group and this company, as well as his integrity, diligence and sense of humor, accompanied him throughout his life. Dror was connected to the landscape. On many walks, with the family or the children of the group, learn to love nature. At the age of ten, he would wander the hills, drive a donkey cart, and spend a lot of time working at the zoo. At the age of twelve, he began to practice swimming and the soccer field as part of Hapoel Mateh Yehuda. Despite the daily trips after school, Dror spent two years training, enjoying the sport and the social life of the team. In the seventh grade, the group moved to the Tzafit educational institution in Kfar Menachem. These were years of vibrant youthful society. Dror was very active in social life and for two years he guided a young group in the institution. This activity was important to him from the studies themselves, apart from the subjects he loved-history, sociology, biology, and the stuffed animals department. A day of the week was devoted to working in kibbutzim and Dror chose field crops. The last school year was an important stage in his adolescence. During the year, a great deal of time was devoted to studying the Holocaust period and a journey to Poland was planned. The visit to the death camps, the Warsaw ghetto and the ruined Jewish cities greatly influenced Dror. He returned more mature, with strong Jewish and Israeli consciousness, and with a lot of motivation to contribute and do. For years after the journey, he remembered events and dates, and on Holocaust Remembrance Day he told his students in the movement and the army about the places he visited. A great excitement for the journey to Poland was when Dror, together with his friend and class teacher, traveled to Zamosc, the birthplace of Grandma Tova, the mother of his father, who arrived at the site of the family house that was destroyed in the war. At the end of the school year, Dror spent his matriculation exams, driving studies and field experiments on “Weeds in Cotton”, whose writing he did not complete, and also rehearsed for the performance and the graduation party. In the summer of 1988, during his thirteenth year, Dror went to the Tiberias branch of the Hashomer Hatzair youth movement and spent a year living in a poor neighborhood in Tiberias, where he worked in the local school and was friendly with his neighbors in the Block. In October 1989, at the age of twenty, Dror enlisted in the IDF, mature, mature, and with a strong desire to live in Israel To continue contributing to the state. Because of the asthma he suffered from, he was defined as having “impaired fitness”. He worked in the communications corps and was sent to a training course in the Golan Heights, where he worked in the equipment depot, and did not fit the character of Dror, who was looking for challenges, but he worked diligently and devotedly. His request to go to the officers’ course met with the opposition of his echelon, who had difficulty in giving up a diligent and responsible soldier Dror appealed to the battalion commander, who supported the promotion of motivated soldiers. And so, in the winter of 1991, during the Gulf War, he began an officers’ course. With his sense of humor and joie de vivre, he overcame the difficulties, completed the course successfully and was sent to the Corps for a long completion. Dror spent a lot of time learning the theoretical material and familiarizing the communication systems. At the end of the course he insisted on moving to a combat unit and was sent to Givati. At the base of Givati’s basic training, Dror served his first position as a liaison officer, but the job did not seem to be sufficient for him. He was placed in a combat battalion in the Gaza Strip. Despite his limited capacity, he participated in the mannerHe was full of operational activity as one of the officers, and was full of satisfaction with the job. At the height of the intifada, Dror worked with the combat soldiers in the Gaza Strip and in the refugee camps. Alongside the “guardians” education he received and his belief in peace, Dror formulated “security” opinions and did not hesitate to speak in the war against the rioters. In the assessment of his commanders, he was a very talented, proactive, highly motivated and professional officer in the field of liaison, and served his role in the best possible way. , A lot of Dror “to hang out in the field,” drove the jeep, learned and knew the Eilat area well, and Dror was full of new experiences, Dror was about to be released and due to organizational changes he did not get a specific job. The Training Corps for training in the officers’ course and other positions, and was assigned, for exercise, to a reserve battalion of the paratroopers. In October 1993, at the age of twenty-four, Dror completed his military service, returned to the kibbutz and re-integrated in the field crops field with his father, but now he has learned the work professionally. He enjoyed his work in the open air and from the fields of wheat and cotton fields, bought an old field motorcycle and wandered again in the hills and landscapes he loved, along with Sharon, his girlfriend for three years, touring the country and spending time with friends. And a house outside the kibbutz, and at the end of the summer they went on a trip to France. Dror was fascinated by the views, the cuisine and the Parisian atmosphere. He returned happily from the trip, straight to the cotton picking, where he had realized a childhood dream and learned to run a cotton catcher. He decided to stay for another year on the kibbutz, to learn from his father the water and irrigation professions, and in the winter to go to theoretical studies. During the year of citizenship, Dror decided to join as a liaison officer to the Paratroopers Brigade he met during his regular service. He went out with them for training and during the year served in reserve duty far beyond the quota of days required of a discharged soldier. At the beginning of November 1994, Dror volunteered for reserve duty for operational activity in the Gaza Strip. With the dedication and responsibility typical of him, organized the team of contacts and arranged to equip the soldiers with the necessary communications equipment. The task of the battalion was to maintain the settlements on the confrontation line with the Gaza Strip and to secure the road to the settlement of Netzarim. This was the first period after the Oslo Accords, and the security arrangements were not yet clear. The atmosphere in Gaza was very tense after the assassination of one of the senior members of the Islamic Jihad. On 11.11.1994 Dror went out with the battalion commander and two other officers to tour the area. Dror drove the jeep. In the afternoon, following a notice about the demonstration that was about to reach the Netzarim junction, they drove to the junction to brief the soldiers in the position in anticipation of a possible disturbance. They got out of the jeep and headed for the post. The junction was filled with passers-by, local Moslems and settlers from Netzarim, IDF soldiers and Palestinian policemen, and at that moment, riding a bicycle carrying five kilograms of explosives, a suicide bomber arrived. The explosion killed Captain Dror Elad, Captain Hezi Sapir and Lieutenant Yotam Rahat, and two soldiers who were in the position were seriously injured. On November 13, 1994, two months before his twenty-fifth birthday, Dror was buried in the cemetery of Kibbutz Nachshon, in the shade of a pine tree. Survived by his parents, a sister – Eilat, two brothers – Tomer and Itai and a friend – Sharon.

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