Dvir, Asa

Dvir, Asa

Son of Yochanan and Miriam. He was born on October 18, 1954 in Kibbutz Lehavot Habashan in the Upper Galilee. He studied at the kibbutz elementary school. Was a blond boy, ‘stubborn as a mule.’ He acted as if he knew everything better than his little friends and argued with them passionately. In the class they called him a ‘professor,’ half-ironically, half-respectfully, because he was a gifted child. Physically he was not one of the best at the time. From elementary school Assa moved to the Einot Hayarden educational institution near Kibbutz Amir, which he completed successfully six years later. “It was hard to deal with Asa, to go into the classroom and teach him,” one of his teachers comments: “It was a constant challenge, and he gave no rest until the questions that bothered him were resolved. “He was a rebellion against the tabloids, he was not willing to accept a holy cow … When a new educational problem arose, his answer was immediately answered, the majority was intelligent, even original … always gentle, willing to help, And he is honored by them Once upon a time, and all the problems of the world were close to him, he was ‘in the loop’ – and this without gossiping … “Every moment Asa was precious. He did not sit with his arms folded. He was usually engaged in various activities in the society and the educational institution, or in the Hashomer Hatzair movement, which was a loyal member of it. Found interest in many areas – music (himself guitar detail), sports, the ‘game of kings’. The Galilee marches and the Sea of ​​Galilee crossing, as well as trips that have given him many experiences. When he approached the army, he volunteered to volunteer for the navy and to be a “frog man” – a task that requires not only supreme physical exertion, constant danger and daring, but also the attachment of the person to service for many years. Indeed, Asa was accepted into a volunteer unit of the Navy. But then he decided to take a year of training in the movement. He rejected his military service and began to train in Rehovot and Ashkelon branches. During the training year, an idea was formed to establish a young kibbutz. Asa joined the Nahal paramilitary group Samar and did early work in Kibbutz Yotvata and Kibbutz Hatzor in the south. Later, in March 1975, he began a three-month basic training course. He wanted to return to GererEin, who settled in the Arava and was largely a child of his own – but thanks to his skills, it was decided to send him to a squad commanders’ course.was not built for a tough military regime, Aasah fell in the line of duty on 28 September 1979. He was brought to rest on the land of Lehavot Habashan, leaving behind his parents and two sisters. Asa’s commander wrote to the bereaved family: “Asa remembered his commanders and friends as a good friend of arms, a young man, but with his own opinions and firm opinions, and he was stubbornly aware of his opinions. , But these were able to appreciate his very nature. Asa, of blessed memory, made a sincere effort and succeeded in integrating into the command line, although in his character and in his way of thinking he agreed more with the need than with content and substance. ” Kibbutz Lehavot Habashan published a booklet in his memory.

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