Duvdevani (Moshe Vishnevsky), Moshe (Mushil)

Duvdevani (Moshe Vishnevsky), Moshe (Mushil)

Son of Hinda and Zvi, was born in 1914 in Grodno, Poland. He attended a high school and was a member of the Ha – Shomer ha – Tsa’ir youth movement in Poland. In 1928 he immigrated to Israel and settled in Petah Tikva, where he worked as a painter. As a member of the Haganah in Petah Tikva, he devoted all his leisure time to training and took up the role of instructor. He was a dedicated and loyal friend for security matters, always cheerful, candid and willing to help others. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he left his job, despite having a wife and father of two children, and took up active duty. He devoted himself entirely to the training and training of comrades to fight the enemy and was one of the founders of the officers’ school in Netanya. The first mission of the brigade was to break through the road to Jerusalem, which was cut off by the legion of the Latrun Brigade, and headed the company to capture the outposts south of Latrun, and in a difficult battle with better enemy forces, May 25, 1948. He was killed and killed in the battle, and was given the rank of captain, whose burial place was unknown, and a monument in his memory was erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. , In the Nahalat Yitzhak Cemetery, and on 29 May 1998 he was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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