Dror, Yitzhak

Dror, Yitzhak

Son of Shimon and Shoshana. He was born on the tenth of Tevet 5704 (26.12.1944) in Isfahan, Israel, and as a young man he immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in Yavneh, where he received another prize from his mother and his father took him a different wife. As part of the “Youth Aliyah.” Yitzhak was drafted into the IDF in mid-February 1965 and volunteered to serve in an elite unit of the Paratroopers. During the Six-Day War, he was a Chinese conqueror and took part in penetrating raids and daring raids, both during his regular army service and during his reserve service. He participated in the Karameh operation in March 1968 and in the Samoua factory. After leaving compulsory service, he established a family and decided to build his home in Kvutzat Shiller, because after his years of wandering abroad and years of service in the IDF, he found a supportive and relaxed life in this group: he devoted himself to nurturing his family – his home was modest, He was always faithful to his achievements and always wanted to learn and progress, but he was able to be Simcha in his part and to make do with a small amount.In early July 1969, he was called up for active reserve duty on the 20th of Av 5729 (July 20, 1969) , Was killed in enemy shelling in a battle that took place in the area of ​​the Suez Canal, and was put to rest in the Kvutzat Shiller cemetery. He left a wife and a half-year-old daughter. After his fall, a booklet was published that was named after it. This pamphlet contains the words of the company commander about him: “Some know a person at first sight and there is a short conversation – we know friends when the burden is great, when they are under fire – at this moment there is no man in disguise. He was very quiet and courageous, and he did not talk much and did not even feel like fighting, but when he was in command, his performance was perfect, and during the many hours of tension he turned his thoughts to his home, his wife and his daughter, The man – the husband and the father. ” In this booklet, the battalion doctor also wrote about Yitzhak’s character: “During this period (the last two weeks before I fell) I learned to appreciate him and his love … It was two weeks of very intensive activity, Especially if he commands others and is responsible for them – he must overcome the longing and concern for the family, the fear, the tiredness, the routine and indifference – and be able to help others with it too. Shoulder to task – – – undertook to do much more than he had to do, sometimes hesitated – – but when he took on himself – did, Knee, perfectly. He was mortally wounded in a shell hitting closer and when they came to rescue him and bring him to the medical bunker, greeted the following characteristically warning them of the danger and said that it was better to keep to themselves. “

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