Dori, Moshe (Moshik)

Dori, Moshe (Moshik)

Son of Shmuel and Shifra. He was born on 9 July 1946 in Tel Aviv and began his studies at the elementary school in Pardes Katz and graduated from the Bnei Brak Municipal High School in a humane course. He liked to read and tried to write for a youth newspaper, and in time he became a regular youth reporter at Maariv for Youth and loved to listen to music, and he began to study violin and even violin. Moshe was a devoted son to his parents, and his behavior was exemplary: Moshe was drafted into the IDF in August 1964 and assigned to the infantry. After basic training he was sent to serve in the Nahal Brigade and was responsible for entertainment and entertainment in his unit, he was a responsible and obedient soldier, loved by his commanders and accepted by his comrades in the unit. Every year Moshe was called up for active reserve duty and fulfilled the duties he was assigned with obedience and dedication, and he married Sarah, and in 1970 their son Sefi was born, and three years later their daughter Dana Moshe was a devoted father to his children and a husband loyal to his wife and dedicated all his free time to them. Moshe was killed in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul and left behind a wife, son and daughter, parents and sister In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the battalion commander wrote: “I met Moshe for a long period of time And I insisted on his great devotion to his friends and unit and his constant efforts to encourage them and improve their mood in difficult moments. He went through a long and cruel war with us – the Yom Kippur War – and escaped unharmed, but his bitter fate severed the thread of his life just now, when we turned to peace. “His family set up a memorial library in his high school.

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