Degani (Gianna), Samson (Solar)

Degani (Gianna), Samson (Solar)

Son of Esther and Joseph, was born on February 20, 1928 in Jerusalem. He completed an elementary school, studied at a technical school and specialized as an electrician and a telephone. He was a member of the Scouts movement. Three months before the outbreak of the War of Independence he joined the Haganah. In December 1947 he enlisted in full service. Shimshon served in the “Moriah” regiment of the infantry brigade, took part in retaliation operations in the village of Sheikh Jarrah and in Wadi Joz, and ambushed the roads leading to Jerusalem, and devoted himself to the military service as if it were a profession for which he was born. Dancing and dancing with him and bringing joy to every place he came in. In one of his actions (in Wadi Joz), his hat and jacket were tattooed with enemy bullets, and he simply stated that he was meticulous about cleanliness and was famous for polishing his clothes and utensils. (March 4, 1948) with the department that set up an ambush for Arab transport on the Jerusalem-Ramallah road, and on their way back to Atarot He was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem on September 6, 1951. He was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem

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