Darel, Aryeh

Darel, Aryeh

The eldest son of Eve and Moses. He was born on 21.11.1951 in Ashkelon. His parents, who immigrated to Israel that year, lived in the Ashkelon transit camp and despite the harsh living conditions they gave their son as much as they could. The family moved to another transit camp and when they reached a permanent settlement in Jaffa there was no limit to their happiness. Aryeh began studying in an elementary school in Jaffa. After a while, the parents decided to give the family, who had grown up in the meantime, more comfortable living conditions and moved to the Montefiore neighborhood in Tel Aviv. Aryeh attended the Max Payne vocational school. When the family moved to Givatayim, Aryeh joined the Ken Borochov of the Hanoar Haoved movement and practiced soccer in the Hapoel Ramat Gan youth team. Aryeh was a good son and helped his parents, brother and sister as best he could. Aryeh was drafted into the IDF in November 1969 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he completed his basic training in the Tank Corps. He spent three years of compulsory service without any special events and was released with dignity. Aryeh married Pesia and the two established their home in Givatayim, where they raised their three children – Liron, Tali and Yehoshua. He was an exemplary family man, a devoted and wonderful father to his children and a supportive husband, loving and caring for his wife. After three years of citizenship, Aryeh enlisted in the permanent army, this time for the Ordnance Corps. He served in various positions in the Armament Corps and was rewarded by his commanders, who wrote about him: “Very dedicated, and he is making great efforts to ensure that the work is done in the best possible way.” “Dedicated, decent, disciplined and organized;” “Does his work faithfully and with dedication”, “performs what is required of him efficiently, with dedication and loyalty.” In recognition of the manner in which he fulfilled his duties, Aryeh was promoted to the rank of advanced sergeant. In his last position he served as an administrator at the Ort Tzrifin Industrial School and contributed greatly to the school staff, especially the students, who followed him and asked for his help and advice. His school friends remember him as organizing and initiating every event and every trip and taking care of every detail. He was a sociable person, tall and tall. Despite his difficult illness, he made sure to give everyone time, staff, and students time. He helped personally, with money, to every needy person, and he did so modestly, smiling and understanding. Prior to his illness, Aryeh was a healthy, physically active, physically active man. He was practicing weight lifting at the gym and used to play soccer. For twelve years, Aryeh fought in his illness, an infectious and rare liver disease. From time to time he was hospitalized and discharged, and all the while, despite his pain, he continued to come to school and do his work properly. At first the doctors thought he would transplant him heavily in Israel, but in the end they decided to send him to France for a liver transplant, but it was too late. On the 23rd of Kislev 5752 (23.11.1991), during his service, Aryeh Darel, an advanced sergeant, died of his illness and was buried at the Kiryat Shaul Military Cemetery. He left a wife, two sons and a daughter, parents, two brothers and a sister – Haim, Amnon and Anat. In a letter of condolence to the family, his commander wrote: “On the military track, Arieh Mofet served as an example of a person’s ability to contribute to the framework in which he served, out of an important sense of mission to educate youth within the framework of a school for work and creativity, The book included a wide range of roles, which he always did for the best. “

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