Dangor, Abraham

Dangor, Abraham

Son of Sabina and Elijah. He was born on the 2 nd of June 1955 in Rehovot. Old son to his parents. He studied at the Yehuda Halevy Elementary School in Tel Aviv and continued his studies at the Shfeya agricultural high school. He was a sensitive, pleasant, modest and highly intelligent man. My father loved the soccer game and he had another love: writing poems. He wrote many poems and even collected them in a book that was published in his life. An additional booklet of his poems appeared after his fall and in his estate many songs that were not collected. The themes of his poems: love for the family, love for life, paddle in Israel, thoughts and reflections: “My name will also be erased / I am ready for it / forever. Avi was drafted into the IDF in May 1973 and served as a combat paramedic in May 1973 and served in the Armored Corps in June 1976. In June 1976, he was discharged from duty, and as a young man he set out to explore the world. Three years later, he decided to tie his fate to the IDF and the Medical Corps. He volunteered for the career army and served as the head of a clinic, then was sent to the officers’ course and completed his service at the IDF’s training base. As testified by his commander, Chief Medical Officer, Brig. Gen. Yehuda Danon: “I always saw before me a humble and smiling young man who showed great devotion to his job, is willing to devote his time beyond what is customary, behaves courteously and contributes so much to maintaining a good atmosphere among the trainees, And commanders. “As an officer, Avi served in the control section, and later moved to the Northern Command as a lieutenant colonel in the Medical Corps unit. My father married his girlfriend Julia and in 1986 their daughter Dolly was born. In order to serve in an operational field unit, he arrived at the Liaison Unit in Lebanon as a medical organization officer, and he was very successful in his position. On the 6 th of Kislev 5748 (6 December 1987) Avi fell during his service and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Holon. Survived by a wife, daughter, mother, two sisters – Judith and Carmela and two brothers – Moshe and Jacob. He received a certificate of appreciation and respect for his service in the career army. His wife published a booklet in his memory containing the words of friends and a collection of his poems.

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