Damri, Meir

Damri, Meir

Son of Pinchas and Shoshana. He was born on July 5, 1948, in Tunis, Tunisia. In 1952 his family immigrated to Israel. He attended elementary school in Shlomi, in the Western Galilee, and at the regional high school in the area. Because of the difficulties of earning a living and because of the material situation in his home, he was forced to abandon his studies and help his father support the family. Was a nice boy, accepted by the company and stood out. He loved helping others and helping the needy in the town. Out of kindness and a desire to help, he volunteered for all sorts of help and repairs in the moshav. He treated adults with respect, and everyone loved him. He liked to deal with various mechanical tools, and after a hard day’s work devoted his time to training the children and youth. On behalf of the Moshavim Movement, he was sent to a course of sports instructors at the Wingate Institute. He worked in various sports such as football, basketball and volleyball. He took every task he took seriously and faithfully and with great skill. Meir was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in November 1967. His commanding officer testified that he used to play every role seriously, with dedication and speed, and he liked to do everything quickly – whether by driving, galloping, or carrying out missions – Meir took a significant change in the maintenance of the vehicle and the driver’s discipline on the day of the 28th of Kislev 5769 (12 August 1969.) He was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya, and on the day of the “thirty” One of their favorite cabins, though he was firm and very strong with them, for he knew how to help them and stand by them in their distress. His commanders testified that they did not know soldiers with energy, talent and goodwill to work like him.

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