Corey, Shmuel (Shmulik)

Corey, Shmuel (Shmulik)

Son of Sara and Yitzhak, was born on May 10, 1926 in the city of Izmir, Turkey, in a traditional home. Shmuel studied at the Hebrew school “B’nai Brith” and continued to study in a government gymnasium for commerce that he did not like. He was proud being a jew and did not connect with the non-Jews. He decided to immigrate to Israel in February 1944, promising to bring his mother and sister to Israel, and that was his wish all the time. Upon his arrival he joined an immigrant youth group at Kibbutz Tel Yosef and was one of the pillars of the company. For two years he served as a committee member. The life of the commune suited his character. He connected to the kibbutz and the dairy branch where he worked. He always yearned for independent settlement and voted first for the rise of the kibbutz to Misgav Am. About two weeks before the outbreak of the War of Independence he rode a donkey to Kfar Giladi. On the way, Arabs attacked him and grabbed the rifle lying on his knees. From the Arab village, an armed crowd burst out with sticks. Shmuel fought with three Arabs and left the battle, all of them bleeding. “I did not think I could hit this way,” he wrote to his girlfriend. “I went out healthy, but for a few days, I did not taste food iwas thinking of the rifle that got stolen”. He devoted himself with enthusiasm and a strong desire for various positions that involved the special situation in Israel. On the 28th of Shevat 5708 (February 8, 1948) he went to Lehavot Habashan to bring reinforcements to secure the road to Misgav Am. Near Kibbutz Amir, the car ran into checkpoints and Shmuel went down first. Meanwhile, the Arabs began to attack the car. He was hit in the back and head and died instantly. Was brought to rest in the Misgav Am cemetery. On the 30th day of his death, his kibbutz issued a memorial booklet called “Shmuelik”.

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