Cohen, Zion

Cohen, Zion

Son of Simcha and Rahamim, was born in 1927 in Russia. He was five years old when he immigrated with his parents to Israel in 1932. The family settled in Jerusalem, where he studied Zion in a Talmud Torah. He received a traditional education. At a young age, Zion went to work. And was employed in odd jobs, as a locksmith and a toad. He was a member of the Working Youth Movement, and at the end of the British Mandate served as a guard. In the War of Independence, Zion joined the “Fighters for the Freedom of Israel” (Lehi), and fought in his ranks as a machine gunner in Jerusalem.In September 1948, when the organization was dissolved, he enlisted in the IDF and served in the infantry brigade of the Jerusalem Brigade. In the early 1950s, Zion worked in the camp in the Arava. Afterward, he returned to Jerusalem and worked for many years in the cinema. He continued to serve in the infantry in the reserves and took part in the battles of the Six-Day War in Jerusalem with his Jerusalem Brigade. In July 1974, Zion was transferred to the Haganah unit in the south of the city and promoted to Corporal. In June 1980, he was called up for reserve duty. On the 12th of Tammuz 5766 (June 26, 1980), Zion died during his service in a sudden Lev attack. He was 53 years old when he died. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Holon. He left two brothers behind. “Zion served in the IDF since 1948. All his years of service were within the framework of Jerusalem units, with whom he fought in the War of Independence and in the Six Day War. He fell while carrying out his duties as part of his unit, also a veteran Jerusalemite. He was kind to his comrades in the unit, ready to help others at all times. Be devoted to his functions. “

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