Cohen, Yoram

Cohen, Yoram

Ben Aliza and Yehuda. He was born in the Beit Yaakov elementary school in the moshav and later in the religious high school and high school in Afula, with character traits He was a good student, loved and loved by his friends and teachers, and he always loved to help, especially his father, in the farm. Yoram was released from the army and together set up the farm, which was shut down by the father’s illness, Yoram loved to fish and play soccer and basketball, and his dream was his own private pistol He asked his parents to buy him the gun for his 20th birthday, and Yoram was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1989 and sent to serve in Givati. After completing basic training, he went through the whole difficult and arduous course of the brigade and became a combatant in a combat unit. He served in the territories and in Lebanon. Friends and commanders note his good and mature character, his constant willingness to help and volunteer, and his high level of professionalism. He loved every moment with his comrades in the unit and his commanders. His family was proud of him, because of his service in an elite combat unit like Givati. He went through very difficult journeys, including the journey to Jerusalem, at the end of which he took part in the magnificent swearing-in ceremony at the Western Wall, where he received the desired weapon and the Bible book, all of which was in good spirits and fun in the territories, Gaza and Hebron, “We were waiting for all the families for our exhausted children, and we found Yoram lying on Kiddeg and a ribbon tied to his head with the inscription ‘Shaked.'” He was tired but happy, in a sea of ​​purple berets with roses, Yoram was so beautiful with the uniform and purple cap … “For a while Yoram served in Gaza and a bullet passed right by him and Yoram miraculously survived. He completed a symbol course and was awarded the rank of sergeant. On September 14, 1991, Yoram fell in battle in Jenin, in a clash with terrorists and was buried at the military cemetery in Afula, leaving behind his parents, two brothers and seven sisters – Shlomo, Ilana, Tzipi, Rachel, Ricki, Sima , Pini, Tova and Eti, who was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant after his death. His best friend, Dudu Vaknin, was killed a year earlier in a fatal road accident, and his parents wrote: “Yoram is engraved in our hearts forever. Our lives will never be the same again … “In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote:” Yoram stood out in his quiet and friendly manner and was loved by his comrades in the company and the battalion. Even in his last moments he fought valiantly, like the tradition of the Givati ​​children. His loss left a void in the battalion and in the entire brigade. “The Border Police Brigade established a synagogue in Jenin in honor of its members, and the Jewish Students Organization in Rome planted a tree in his memory.

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