Cohen, Uri

Cohen, Uri

Uri, son of Sarah and Aharon, was born in Petach Tikva on February 11, 1954. He completed his elementary studies at the Huberman School in Petach Tikvah, and later continued his studies at the Brenner High School in Gan Ganim , Near Petah Tikva, where he completed three years of study, and completed the last year at Technikom School in Tel Aviv He was a diligent, diligent student who took the studies seriously and was constantly preparing his homework and memorizing the material he had learned. The elementary school was a member of the Hanoar Haoved vehalomed movement and later moved to Hashomer Hatzair, where he had a hobby and a wide interest in electronic devices, He also collected various plants, which he studied in the Weizmann Institute’s “Science” books, which attracted him greatly, and he spent a lot of time expanding his knowledge of animals, birds and plants, and was also a member of the ” And he participated in many trips and trips to learn about nature in different parts of the country and spent his time dividing between studying nature and working at the Magen David Adom branch in Petach Tikvah, where he worked voluntarily and without exhaustion for many hours, , To study and engage in his various hobbies, unlike most of his peers, who spent most of their free time playing and falling apart The course load. Uri was drafted into the IDF in early February 1973. At first, he was offered to serve in the military rabbinate as a kashrut supervisor because he was a devout Jew, but he refused, saying that the goal was to serve the country in the best possible way, and that he volunteered for the paratroopers. Who was physically weak, stood in all the arduous training and became a paratrooper in the Haruv reconnaissance unit, a good soldier devoted to his job, and always tried to carry out his duties with loyalty and precision. In the Jordan Valley, during the third week of the Yom Kippur War On October 24, 1973, during the battles for the conquest of the city of Suez, his vehicle was hit directly and he was killed on the spot, and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the commander of his unit wrote: “Uri fell in battle while carrying out his duties in the battle for the city of Suez. Your son fulfilled his duties faithfully and was accepted by his friends. In my name and in the name of all the soldiers of the unit, I express our deep sorrow. “In order to commemorate his name, Uri’s family donated a Torah scroll to the synagogue in the Sha’ariya neighborhood of Petach Tikvah, established a library and a natural room at the Huberman School and established Gilad in the schoolyard.

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  • Name: שלמה פרידמן
    Relationship: חבר
  • Name: שלמה פרידמן
    Relationship: חבר

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