Cohen, Shraga

Cohen, Shraga

Son of Yitzhak and Aliza. He was born on 15 March 1950 in Ramle. His parents, Holocaust survivors in Europe, immigrated to Israel from Czechoslovakia in 1949 with their little daughter. Even when he was in kindergarten, he stood out for his comfortable temperament and social friendliness. He studied at the Bialik Elementary School in Holon and continued his studies at the agricultural school in Mikve Israel. During the course of his studies he was active in the Gadna Brigade, completed a course for commanders in 1965, excelled in sports and was a member of the school’s teams in various fields (soccer, athletics, etc.). He was a member of the Culture Committee and was very active in the life of the society and in the creation of fun in Mikve Israel. His main hobby was listening to music on top of records. He loved the work and especially the two branches of specialization he chose: mechanics and fruit trees. In particular, he specialized in his father’s profession, which he had worked for several years earlier at Mikveh Israel, in Falah and in work with a tractor. The rural atmosphere and the surrounding fields cast its beauty on it and tied it to an institution with all its Lev and soul. Shraga was the active factor in the local youth society, always willing to contribute to any social activity and to do for his friends, teachers and mentors. Everywhere he brought a cheerful spirit, a spirit of friendship and gentleness. Shraga was drafted into the IDF in July 1968 and as he wished, he joined the Golani reconnaissance unit. On the last Saturday before, they came home, radiant with joy and joy, and showed his parents and friends the wings of the cruiser he had received after exhausting training. On the 15th of Sivan 5769 (1.6.1969) he died in the course of his duties in the Golan Heights. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The commander of his unit wrote in a letter of condolence to his parents: “Shraga has served in one of the most prestigious and hard-working units in the IDF. He was a volunteer in his soul like the rest of his comrades in the unit and fulfilled his many tasks with good spirit. “In” Thirty “, the students’ pamphlet at the Mikveh Israel (Regavim) was dedicated to Shraga’s memory: his parents immortalized his name by purchasing equipment for the club, In the agricultural school of Mikve Israel, in memory of their son, who was a graduate of the institution.

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