Cohen, Shai
Son of Aharon (HaKohen) and Paulette. Born on 8 December 1952 in the city of Paz, Morocco, his family immigrated to Israel and settled in Hatzor Haglilit, where he spent his childhood without any difficulties, , Who decorated the rooms for a party or a holiday, and who prepared costumes and costumes for Purim, and after completing his elementary school, Shay received a high school in Mikveh Israel, where he was very active in the company. They always emphasized his great care for cleanliness and cleanliness, and at the same time developed two hobbies: playing a harmonica, photography and developing photographs. After a test, his mother discovered that during the holidays, Shai used to work from morning to evening in the school restaurant and thus earned the necessary salary. Before serving in the IDF, Shay worked for a certain period of time in the Hula Nature Reserve. Shai was drafted into the IDF in early 1970 and volunteered for the Armored Corps, where he took a tank driver course, a tank commanders’ course, and a course for counter-attackers. He was accepted by his commanders and subordinates and was able to establish direct contact with his younger soldiers.In 1972, Shai was transferred to the Gadna Command – the Northern Region, and after completing compulsory service he decided to tie his fate and future in the IDF to a regular service. All his superior qualities were revealed as a person and commander. His apprentices loved and admired him and he captivated them. After a year in the Northern Command, he was transferred to the Gadna base in the Boker field, where he too quickly became the center of social life and the “tone-maker” in every trip and on a party. In a military letter to the bereaved family, wrote: “Lieutenant Shai was an officer with excellent professional knowledge, a commander who demanded a lot of his soldiers, but he was able to defend their rights until recently. … He made many connections with friends and friends everywhere and at any time … When the new base was established, Shai’s share was evident at every stage of his career Was established, and measures are achieving real work investment while providing a personal example to his troops. “His family and close friends spent memorial booklet.