Cohen, Nimrod

Cohen, Nimrod

Son of Esti and Aryeh. Born on 9.9.1986 in Jerusalem, a brother of Doron, born in kibbutz Mitzpe Shalem on the banks of the Dead Sea, Since August 2004, Nimrod has been out to service. A member of the “Machanot Ha’olim” group, lived with his friends in Haifa, and from there went on to train in the Usha and Ramat Yochanan communities as Komonar in grades 4-9. He believed that one should also give the state and return to the community everything that it received. During that year, apart from the regular educational activities, he guided tours and seminars of the older classes. In the nucleus, Nimrod was a central figure who attracted all those around her. Nimrod loved the movement, the guidance, the campers and the counselors, and believed in the ability of the small group to bring about a change in the lives of others. “Nimrod was a tall, thin, quiet boy … As soon as I met him, I felt that the boy had a great treasure, a loving and gentle soul that rarely goes out,” said Eran Avichad of Kibbutz Na’aran. “Nimrod was always sensitive and relaxed, and in the year that I was privileged to guide him, I discovered a courageous and courageous youngster, who decided to experiment with new ideas … Nimrod went to realize a vision that appealed to him … Nimrod gave it all. ” Nurit, who was with Nimrod, said: “Nimrod is always quiet, not stressed, he does not waste too much time talking, but he knows how to listen for hours and contain a lot, he is not angry at all – he never liked to waste time. Nimrod, Nimrod’s technical team Nimrod, a pioneering force for trips and camps, was very closed at the beginning of the year, and suddenly in the middle of the year the great emirates, Educational, group, motivational, and great ideas for the future and dreams. “Nimrod was a man of action, of mission, of group, and most of all he was a friend.” Omer Kochavi, a close friend of Nimrod, said: “It was very important for him to do a year of service, and this year he did something else to him. On August 9, 2005, at the end of the year of service, Nimrod enlisted in the 50th Battalion with the nucleus, and arrived at the Nahal Brigade training base for the 2nd Platoon of the Indian Company. At the end of four months of basic training and two and a half months of advanced training in Arad, the company went up to the Reihan line for the first operational period. On the military level, too, he was a good soldier, invested, overcame difficulties and helped his friends. He was a friend of everyone and did not let the tedious routine affect him. He could smile, enjoy life and the guys, and never complain or complain. For a while, he served in Jenin, and at the beginning of May he went with the battalion to the northern line, after a month of training in the company’s elite training unit in Elyakim, where the company arrived at the Yiftach post and Nimrod was sent to the Kipodi course. After completing basic training, he was certified as an armored personnel carrier (armored personnel carrier). After a few weeks in Yiftach, the company arrived at “Yiranit”. In the new sector, Nimrod’s assignments ranged from tours that reminded him more of a trip to the magical landscapes of the north than to serve in the army, “Said Omer Kochavi,” Even when he returned to the kibbutz on weekends, he did not make too much noise in the style of ‘I’m here.’ He especially enjoyed being with his coreligionists. “His friends in the group visited Mitzpe Shalem, and his parents said:” In his special way, he loved what he did in the army and saw the military service as another contribution to society. In general, he saw in his doing something self-evident without any doubts that could damage the quality of the performance … Nimrod was a man whoMr. and do … He was always among the volunteers. About two months before he was killed, he volunteered to go as a company representative to a soldier’s memorial. “In the book” The End of the Track of the Indian Company “, his friends wrote:” Many times we start talking about things that happened and Nimrod is an inseparable part … The little memories are what reinforce, We love Nimrod … On the last exit before the war, we got out for five days, so we went out in the afternoon. Nimrod, who was alerted to the department that he did not see for a long time, arrived in dusty and therefore had to take a shower, and while he was showering, a team that shaved ” (Gilach-polished) his shoes, which were in a situation that required half a box of Galach “At the same time, a team packed up and prepared his bag for the exit, and Nimrod finally managed to get out with everyone in time … Nimrod was characterized by a quiet that said much more than words, You have always been a favorite of all of us, and therefore your absence is much more painful. You’ve read us right most of the time, and you know what to say when you need to … We knew to call you when we needed something or needed a listening ear. “On the morning of July 12, 2006, Hezbollah attacked settlements in northern Israel, ambushed an IDF force and kidnapped two reserve soldiers: a rabbi – Sergeant Ehud (Udi) Goldwasser and First Sergeant Eldad Regev. The crew was able to shoot and hit a number of Hezbollah positions, but a short distance from the border the tank mounted a large ground bomb and all its fighters were killed. First Sergeant Alexei Kushnirski, First Sergeant Yaniv Bar-On, First Sergeant Shlomi Yirmiyahu and First Sergeant Gadi Musayev Nimrod, who at the time was on another mission, volunteered to enter the area as a Nakpadon driver and after the Nakpadon was stuck in the area, And to join the force in the “flagship” outpost.The infantry force under his command crossed the fence and was the first to arrive Reached the vicinity of the damaged tank, west of ‘Ata a-Sha’ab. Large IDF forces tried to reach the tank, but for over six hours, one infantry force – Nimrod’s – was operating under fire. They stayed to secure the area, fought for the “flag dome” and the sacred mission of guarding the bodies of their comrades. Nimrod showed courage and greatness in difficult conditions under fire and lack of water. In the course of the battle, he took command of one of the fighters who suffered a battle shock, burned his soul while maintaining his composure, and carried out his mission until he was mortally wounded by shrapnel from a mortar shell and was killed. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem and was followed by his parents and brother, who was awarded a commendation by the commander of the 933rd Brigade,

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