Cohen, Meir

Cohen, Meir

Meir, son of Miriam and Nahum, was born on May 12, 1954. He studied at the Hillel elementary school in Or Yehuda and later attended the Boyar High School in Jerusalem. After a year of studies in Jerusalem, he returned to his home and joined his brothers, who worked as plaster contractors, and devoted all his energy and energy to the work and was a devoted and responsible worker. Helping to support the family, spending his leisure time fishing, and often going to sea and river shores to fish. He had many friends with whom he had spent his spare time, and his friends liked to be with him, because of his great kindness and willingness to help anyone who wanted to drive and received a license to drive a truck. Meir was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of May 1972 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training he completed a tank artillery course and was sent to serve in the Barak Brigade in the Golan Heights and participated in the brigade’s training and operational activities. He was an exemplary team member and was a good example of his teammates, and from the very beginning he was well integrated into the hard work of an armored corps unit and slowly gained many friends when the Yom Kippur War broke out. Meir and his comrades in the “Sufa” battalion, set out to stop the Syrian attacks In the battle that took place on the 16th of Tishrei 5740 (October 12, 1973) in the occupation of Tel Shams, Meir’s tank was hit and he was killed and he was brought to eternal rest in Beit- The cemetery in Kiryat Shaul left behind his parents, four brothers and five sisters, and was raised to the rank of sergeant, and his parents donated a Torah scroll to a synagogue in Or Yehuda.

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