Cohen, Dror

Cohen, Dror

Dror, son of Mati and Asher, was born on the 23rd of Elul 5747 (August 23, 1947) in Moshav Beit Hanan, in the midst of the struggle for liberation, independence, and immigration, and his name was Dror. His teachers always noted that he had the credentials to be an outstanding student, but his vitality and cheerfulness preceded his diligence, but he was never caught when he did not follow the lesson carefully, even if they tried to defeat him. Worlds at the same time, Dror was the driving spirit of the class, the initiator of the tricks and the pranks, yet a devoted and loving friend and an excellent athlete. One of the youths drowned in the stormy sea, and a rescuer, who felt his help, could not fight the stormy waves, Dror jumped into the water with a lifebuoy in his hands and managed to retrieve the drowning man, The Kfar Kfar Silber Agricultural School, after graduating from Beit-Hanan Elementary School in Kfar Silver, and in his struggle for justice he was prepared to bear any punishment if he felt that he had done injustice to a friend and always defended himself. In the last academic year, before the matriculation certificate was received, it became clear to Dror that one of his friends would not be given the certificate, since his hand could not afford to pay tuition fees. Dror was drafted into the IDF at the end of June 1965. After completing his basic training, he was sent to a course for commanders and post-war officers, He was also an officers’ course, at the end of which he decided to serve in the Golani Brigade. After a while, he took a course in the officers’ training course and later in a paratroop course, at the end of which he was awarded the wing insignia, Dror loved his service in the IDF and his subordinates admired their tall, handsome commander. During the Six-Day War he fought in the battles of the Syrian Heights in Tel-Fakhar and participated in the conquest of the Golan Heights. In the opinion written by his commanders, it was said, among other things: “He has a good leadership capacity, dedicated, loved by his subordinates, and has an excellent professional.” At the end of July 1968, Dror was discharged from the regular army service and five months later he was called to a course for armored corps patrol officers, in the framework of his reserve service. While he was in the Nahal Brigade, Dror spent one of his vacations at his brother’s home in Almagor, in Korazim, where he decided to take up residence in Almagor together with his friends from the school. He decided to settle in the area he loved – Almagor, who arranged for his marriage to his friend Judith among the remains of the ancient synagogue in Korazim, and they built their home in the new moshav, and Dror began to cultivate his land immediately. And managed to produce excellent and early yields of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and watermelons And it was great and full: “It will be good. Dror was also involved in the social activities of the moshav, and he saw Almagor as a divine settlement, unlike any other on earth, to rise in the morning, to see the sunrise, to see the fields and the Sea of ​​Galilee – it was a meal The most wonderful morning for him, riding on his horse would take the herd out to pasture and turn away to the vegetable plots or to the brothel he loved.In the evenings he would attend meetings in the secretary’s room, listening quietly and looking as if he had fallen asleep, but Colette was everything and was called upon to correct any wrong. Was known at the endHis niece. He was far from petty, and he was revealed to have a sensitive, gentle soul, all of which was tolerant and patient. The figure of a proud and Simcha man, full of candor, contentment and wonderful diligence. Dror coordinated the beef cattle sector and was proud of him. At his side he helped an Arab shepherd and he formed a close bond with him. A sincere friendship developed between the two, for he believed with all his Lev that we needed and could live with our neighbors. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Dror served in the reserves in the Jordan Valley, and from there was sent with his unit southwards. He participated in the bloody battles in the Suez Canal area and moved with his unit in the terrible fire. On October 24, 1973, after the fighting subsided, he went on a patrol mission in the city of Suez, and then an enemy sniper hit him and killed him. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery of Beit Hanan. He left behind a wife and son, parents and two brothers. In a postcard that he wrote to his wife on the day of his fall and did not manage to send her, she said, “Hello, my eternal lap wife … This is already going to end and if we get to this point in peace, we’ll end up in peace. “He said. His friends wrote to him: “You, the great, the solid and the strong, the figure is hard to believe that you will hurt anything … But death does not consider quality, size or character. , Bad, colleague – and if there were other Yaffa words, then all of them could be associated with you; ” “I had a friend, tall, handsome, blue-eyed, with curly blond hair, like a song, I had a friend – a handsome man, and a father and a good and devoted husband – like a story. On a horse in the West Bank – like a prince in a fairy tale – I had a friend who dreamed of fighting, loved life and saved others – like in books – I had a sensitive and loving friend, gentle, strong and courageous. I have a friend … “Moshav Almagor published a booklet in his memory.

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