Cohen, Ami

Cohen, Ami

Zehava’s youngest son Yehia. Ami was born in Kadima on June 19, 1975. His brother, David, Anat, Ilan, Dana and Tami, was a twin, and at that age he moved with his family from Kadima to Netanya, Shorashim, “and from there he continued to the Ort-Tchernichovsky High School, where he completed 12th grade. After completing his studies, Ami joined the IDF on November 23, 1993. He served as a combat soldier in the Givati ​​Brigade in the Rotem Battalion, and Ami was one of the outstanding soldiers in the company where he served, fulfilled his duties without fault, and was always ready to help each of his friends And to contribute to every activity of the company: “An APC driver running, he did not want the bat, he always wanted to be, and he danced on the staffs, he always invests in military bases, and always comes with the first.” During his service, Ami received a certificate of excellence from the GOC Central Command, completed his full service and was discharged with the rank of First Sergeant After graduating from regular army service, Ami underwent an advanced security course, A security guard at the US embassy in Tel Aviv, and his sister-in-law, “pleasant, devoted to his parents, a caring and loving young man … his personality was characterized by helping others, he devoted himself entirely to volunteering without any financial compensation.” He volunteered for the Association for the Blind and volunteered to donate part of his monthly salary as a security guard at the embassy for various charitable purposes: In his room there were several charities where he collected money for the needy. Ami helped them in different ways. Ami spent most of his time volunteering for the Elem organization, a non-profit organization for youth at risk. Alex told us: “We both volunteered at the Elem Association for Youth in Distress, and I met a person who gave above and beyond for the benefit of the youth in Netanya: he ran and helped the youth, tried to raise donations and the like.” Hedda, who volunteered by his side, said: “I met Ami as part of a joint volunteer activity with the ELEM-Netanya organization and I must say that it was a great privilege, despite his exhausting daily tasks he always found time to help, contribute, volunteer and always smile and be pleasant.” In his free time, Ami liked to play extreme sports. Most of his hobbies, which he nurtured from his youth, were riding horses and taking care of them on the farm, surfing the sea, driving motorcycles and skydiving. As a teenager he also liked traveling the world with his friends. At the beginning of 2002, my husband met Galit, the two became a loving couple and Ami was the son of a house in her family home. They planned to marry in mid-2003. On February 24, 2003, Ami joined the army for a month of reserve duty. Some time earlier he had been exempted from reserve duty due to a medical problem, but insisted on enlisting in order to be with his friends and ease the burden of the unit. Ami fell in a battle south of Bethlehem on March 18, 2003, when the unit encountered a clash with the head of the Hamas arm. Twenty-eight years old. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya. Ami left parents, three sisters, two brothers and her fiancee. Ami was promoted to the rank of sergeant after his fall. Rachel, the family friend from Netanya, wrote: “My mother was a special young man, always the first to give help, always thinking about others before he thinks about himself. At the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv, Ami’s place of work, a booklet was published in his memory.

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