Citron, Jacob

Citron, Jacob

Son of Sheindel and Michael Aharon was born on July 18, 1924, in the town of Fishzots-Podlaski, Poland immigrated to Israel in 1943 after a lot suffering through world war 2. He was successful in his training and work, but was also successful in training the Gadna and the sport, and helped his teachers and instructors in restoring the image of man and faith in man and in the future to his friends who suffered the ravages of war. he found his fiancée, Rachel Wiener, in Tel Aviv, both joining the kibbutz nucleus and going on a year of service to Kfar Etzion where he worked in the carpentry shop and became fond of the villagers. He took part in Haganah training and successfully completed a course for squad commanders. At the beginning of the year 5707 he left with the consent of Rachel and even during her year of spiritual training at the Kfar Haroeh Yeshiva, where he continued his studies and wrote: “The year passes quickly and who knows when I can go back and study again.” Nevertheless, he sacrificed some of the precious time to finish a course in the city of Hadera. When the War of Independence broke out, after the UN General Assembly resolution on partition, he was called back to Kfar Etzion, where he returned immediately to the guard and fortification service and was trained as a combat soldier, May 13, 1948. Rachel his fiancée fell there that day. On the 17th of Cheshvan 5710 (17.11.1949) he was transferred to eternal rest, together with the rest of the victims of the Gush, at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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