Chrude, Chaim

Chrude, Chaim

Son of Hanna and Israel. Born on 22.6.1923 in Kibbutz Tel Yosef in the Valley of Jezreel to the parents of the founders of the new Jewish settlement, who also took part in drying his swamps, Chaim was one of the first children born in the kibbutz. He was a boy with a great physical ability, courage and hard-neckedness, and completed 12 grades in the joint school of Tel Yosef and Ein Harod, and was active in the children’s company. Later he was elected to the management of the agriculture and was a keen participant in the discussions and decisions. He was heavy-headed and prudent, yet witty with a sense of humor. He was also blessed with a deep sense of justice and organizational talent, all of which stood in his efforts to unite the members around him. In 1941, he enlisted in Palmach Company A and took part in a class commanders’ course, in order to smuggle illegal immigrants to Israel, crossed borders at risk and was caught for a while in Damascus. On June 29, 1946, Black Sabbath Day, British soldiers were besieged by the siege of the agriculture. Chaim ran from the cowshed to the cowshed and ordered friends to continue their work and not leave their posts. While he was satisfied, he was shot by a British man and killed on the spot. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery of Tel Yosef. Laid master. His kibbutz published a pamphlet in his memory containing the words of friends about his character. A monument was erected in his memory.

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