Chanik, Zeev

Chanik, Zeev

Ben Rima and Boris. He was born on 21.12.1977 in Carmiel. A younger brother to Ilana, and his brother Lior was born after him. He studied at the “Palmach” elementary school and the “Horowitz” junior high school, and went on to the Megadim high school in Carmiel, where he graduated with honors in the biotechnological track, and grew up as a handsome, quiet and intelligent boy with a shy and sad smile. He loved to sit and study, and sometimes the parents had to force him to take a break from his studies and go out to play with his friends, and his parents were able to hear only praise for Ze’ev as a student and friend. He was very attached to his family, especially his sister Ilana, who was one year older than him S and even appearance were similar … like all brothers, we too many of cat and mouse, but also best friends … with your growth have become the family’s handsome. At my wedding, all the guests thought you were a model, whom I brought specially to arrange them in the yeshiva. “In July 1996, Ze’ev enlisted in the IDF. Despite his mother’s illness, he did not seek to serve near the house, but to fulfill his duty to the country he loved and to serve as a combat soldier. Ze’ev was assigned to the Golani Brigade, underwent a combat paramedics course and served as a medic, mainly in the areas of Lebanon and Gaza. After his discharge from the IDF, Ze’ev began to work in the factory where his father worked, and at the same time he studied and prepared for the psychometric exam and for academic studies, and after graduating from the psychometric exam in high school he began studying in Ort Braude College in Carmiel. And worked as a security guard in order to finance his livelihood and studies Ze’ev used to write songs, songs of love and sadness, some of which were discovered only after his death. The candle is already gone, the soul no longer knows how to relax, the head is spinning around, the whole world looks a bit Otherwise, you without a drop of hope for the future. / I know everyone else will go, but now, what will happen now /? At the beginning of April 2002, with the start of Operation Defensive Shield, the IDF launched a campaign against the Israeli army, Ze’ev was drafted into reserve duty in the Bethlehem area on April 10, 2002. On the same day, Ze’ev was killed in a terrorist attack at the Yagur junction, where he had completed a short vacation, He arrived at the Check Post station and boarded an Egged bus on line 960, which is going to Jerusalem, and a few minutes later, at the Yagur junction, A suicide bomber who was carrying explosives on his body killed eight people, among them Ze’ev, who was sitting at the front of the bus, near the terrorist, who was killed: Sergeant Major Shimshon Ben-Haim, Sergeant Nir Danieli, Sergeant Michael Weisman, The Israel Defense Forces, the Franco-Jewish Agency, Corporal Noa Shlomo and the civilian Avinoam Alfia. He was twenty-four years old when he fell. After his death, he was promoted to the rank of Major General, and was buried in the military section of the Karmiel cemetery, where he was survived by his parents, sister and brother. “Wolf, I met you after your death and I have a terrible sense of missed opportunity. I missed a young man, handsome, with an even more beautiful soul. I missed talking to a talented and wise man. I missed givingAnd four years later I missed your hand as the department’s excellant at the graduation ceremony. We all missed a scientist with tremendous success. “Tzahit and Nurit, childhood friends:” You’re a charming guy, and we’re all always amazed. A hard fee to get what you want, with many dreams and great ambitions. You can not define in words the kindness of your heart and your innocence. A dear person whom everyone has always helped … Ze’ev, no matter what – you were always on our side, both good and bad. Rivka, a classmate: “In a few months we have been fascinated by your motor skills, your willingness to help and support your friends, your diligence and diligence in your studies … Ze’ev, we will not forget your special baby-pies. We will not forget the charming smile, we will not forget the gentleness and the manners. No, we will never forget you. Thank you, little prince, for leaving us a gift, a memory of a son, a brother, a bad boy, and a student. One rose, a rose that does not resemble another. “

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