Chadash, Yitzhak (Partizan)

Chadash, Yitzhak (Partizan)

Yitzhak, son of Sarah-Rachel and Shneur, was born in 1928 in the village of Ilya in the Wilayka region, near Vilna, where he studied in an elementary school, and from a young age he taught Zionist education in the Betar youth organization. On the eve of World War II, about three and a quarter million Jews lived in Poland in established and established communities. Even before the war they had suffered a great deal of anti-Semitism from their neighbors. The war began on September 1, 1939, and within a few weeks the Germans occupied Poland. Immediately afterwards, the situation worsened, and in the following months they were concentrated in the ghettos and the able ones were sent to forced labor. In the years to come, the Nazis began systematically liquidating the Jews, either in the ghettos or by sending them to concentration and extermination camps. Parts of Poland, including Vilna, were delivered to the Soviet Union at the beginning of the war. In the middle of 1941 the Stalin-Hitler alliance was broken, the Germans reoccupied these territories and began to liquidate the Jews. By the end of the war about three million Polish Jews had been murdered. Yitzhak’s parents perished shortly after the war began: his father was arrested by the Germans as a Communist suspect and murdered on March 17, 1941, and his mother was murdered shortly after. Yitzhak and his cousin managed to escape under a barrage of shots that the Germans had fired at. They came to a Christian acquaintance and hid there for a while, at the same time as the shepherds. When the Nazis learned of their hiding place they had to flee to the forests. There, after much effort, Yitzhak was accepted despite his young age as an active member of the Markov partisan unit, which was situated in the forest in his hometown and worked every night against the Germans. From then until the end of the war, Yitzhak, the partisan, stood out in his successful actions and heroism, took part in battles and blew up railroad bridges, justified his trust, and was awarded a medal by representatives of the Russian Red Army. After the liberation, Yitzhak found no traces of his family in his town and took the “Bericha” route to Italy. In 1946 he planned to board the illegal immigrant ship “Dov Hoz” (“Fida”), the events of which were known as the La Spezia affair. The affair began when about 1,000 immigrants gathered at the Italian port, preparing to board the ships “Dov Hoz” and “Eliahu Golomb” purchased by the Mossad for Aliyah Bet of the Haganah. And began a three-day hunger strike, joined by the leaders of the Jewish community in Israel. And under the pressure of international public opinion, and after lengthy negotiations, the British were forced to surrender and allow the two ships to sail. “Dov Hoz” with 675 ghetto survivors from Eastern and Central Europe, members of movements Youth and Partisans, and Eliahu Golomb, with 339 members of youth movements, partisans and survivors of concentration camps, set out on their way to Israel on May 8, 1946. Upon their arrival at the port of Haifa on 13 May 1946 they were allowed to disembark with the consent and supervision of the British authorities and dispersed throughout the country. When he arrived, he stayed with relatives of his family who lived in Holon, and joined the Etzel unit in the city, where he took part in the activities of the Irgun against the British, and at the beginning of the War of Independence against the Arabs. In the following days, he took an active part in the conquest of Jaffa, where he continued to prepare for an attack on Ramle.The Haganah from the Irgun to harass Ramle in order to prevent the reinforcement of Arab forces on the Latrun front, and the Irgun immediately responded to the request and recruited hundreds of its fighters from all over the country, except for besieged Jerusalem. Yitzhak, too, was recruited for this campaign. The fighters were concentrated in the settlement of Beer Ya’akov and from there they launched two major attacks on Ramla on May 16 and May 20, 1948. The attacks killed the Irgun fighters and the Arab forces in the city, Ramle was captured by Israel in the second attack on Ramle on May 20, 1948. Yitzhak was killed at the age of 20. Yitzhak was buried in 1952 in a mass grave in Kiryat Shaul, but due to an error he was removed from the mass grave. As a space whose burial place is unknown and an investigation has begun in his case following an investigation by the Unit for Locating Missing Persons in the IDF, in cooperation with the Unit for the Commemoration of Animals The mistake was discovered and on the 18th of Shevat 5771 (18/01/2011), a gravestone was placed on the mass grave and a ceremony was held for the discovery of a tombstone. Isaac was twenty years old when he fell. This hero is a “last scion”. The survivors of the Holocaust are survivors of the Holocaust who survived the last remnant of their nuclear family (parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters) who experienced the Holocaust in the ghettos and / or concentration camps and / or in hiding and hiding in territories occupied by the Nazis and / Or in combat alongside members of the underground movements or partisans in the Nazi-occupied territories who immigrated to Israel during or after World War II, wore uniforms and fell in the Israeli army.

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