Carol, Jacob-Isaiah

Carol, Jacob-Isaiah

Son of Zissel and Arieh was born on the 25th of September 1929 in Zdunska-Wola, Poland. In 1936 he immigrated to Israel with his parents who settled in Tel Aviv. He graduated from Tachkemoni with honors and was given the opportunity to take a scholarship to continue his studies, but he gave up on her and began studying at the yeshiva of Rabbi Amiel. Where he studied for one year and stopped his studies to work and support his parents. In the days he worked in his profession, mechanic of electric motors, and in the evening he studied and prepared to pass the entrance exams for the sixth grade at the “Haskalah” Gymnasium. He passed the exams and was accepted into seventh grade. During his free time he continued to buy Torah and knowledge with Rabbi Raphael Erlich. After the United Nations General Assembly resolution of 29 November 1947 on the partition of the country and the outbreak of the War of Independence, he was convinced that “the implementation of the UN resolution will require a great deal of blood.” Upon the establishment of the State of Israel, he enlisted in the army and served in the Alexandroni Brigade and was later transferred to a religious company in the brigade. As a son of a religious family, he absorbed love of Israel and love of the country from his childhood. In his role as a fighter, he saw the fulfillment of the mitzvah of “sanctifying the name.” Was observant and even at the front was careful with a simple commandment as serious. Although he was known to be sick and the doctors advised him to be transferred to another position – he chose a combat position and did not agree to miss this right to conquer the land, which so many generations longed for and did not win. Six was fighting with a smile on his face. On the last vacation he spent at home, before leaving for his last destination, he told his mother, who complained to him about the hardships and dangers of his life: “Do not worry, mother, a Hebrew state, and free immigration – certainly.” During Operation Horev, a “liquidation operation” was carried out against the “Faluja pocket,” in which an Egyptian brigade was besieged. The attack took place on the eastern flank of the “pocket” in the area of ​​Iraq al-Manshiyya. The Alexandroni forces broke into the village from the south and took over part of it, but their assault on the hill north of the village was repulsed. Meanwhile, the Egyptians recovered, attacked and forced our forces to withdraw. Part of the force was trapped inside the village. This battle fell on Monday, December 28, 1948. He was buried in Faluja. On the 24th of Iyar 5705 (11.5.1950) he was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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