Buzaglo, Ze’ev (Zevik)

Buzaglo, Ze’ev (Zevik)

Ben Dina and Chaim. He was born on the 10th of Shevat 5738 (10.1.1978) in Petach Tikvah, the brother of Yiftach, her daughter, and the young wolf, who was born after his brother’s death and was named after him. He studied at the “Gamla” elementary school in Katzrin and graduated from the Daliyot Elementary School in Ramot, where he graduated with honors from the Ort Nofei Golan high school in Katzrin, in the scientific-technological track. , Fiction and travel books, and was also interested in ancient and ancient weapons and animals, which he painted for the enjoyment and enjoyment of his family and friends. S. Wolf IDF and was a warrior in the “Gideon” of the Golani Brigade. Ze’ev was killed in a training accident on April 15, 1997. Ze’ev was buried in the cemetery in Tiberias and raised to the rank of sergeant after his death, when he was 19 years old when he died, leaving behind his parents, sister and two brothers. The members of the moshav for boys, in which the family lived, eulogized Ze’ev on his grave: “Ze’ev, we got to see you growing up among us, a cute young man who, like good wine, has only improved over the years. We had the pleasure of seeing your long black hair, imagining what it would look like with short hair on the eve of induction. A wonderful son, a model brother, a model student, a loyal friend. What more could you ask for? In a letter of condolence to the family, Chief of Staff Amnon Lipkin-Shahak wrote: “Ze’ev was described by his commanders as a talented soldier who showed initiative and showed sensitivity and caring toward those around him. . ” In a letter of consolation to the family, the commander of the Gideon Battalion, to whom Zeev belonged, said: “Zevik left his mark on the company, and the model he left after his death is worthy of imitation and may slightly alleviate the feeling of pain. I am convinced that the family and its immediate surroundings played a central role in shaping his image as a person. And the circumstances in which he died, will accompany us day by day, hour by hour, and Wolf will continue to live In our hearts forever. ” His comrades in the company mourned his grave: “Company B lost its best soldiers today and regained the best of its future officers, and we share the sorrow of the family and friends who nurtured and raised for nineteen years a wonderful boy, the salt of the earth. We hope that we can continue with the path you have set for us – the love of the land and the love of man, and your absence in the company will be felt and the void will be completed by those who learned from you.

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