Brown, Naomi

Brown, Naomi

Bat Fortuna and Israel Haziz. She was born in Be’er Sheva on 11 December 1959. She studied at Achva Elementary School and completed her studies at the Beit HaKakkid High School, and was recruited to the IDF in late March 1978 and placed in the IAF. After basic training and a course in fine welding, she was placed in Zrifin. Naomi completed her regular service and a year and a half later volunteered for a career army service. She returned to the IAF as a combatant. After a short period of time at Tzrifin, she moved to serve in an anti-aircraft unit in the south of the country, and in September 1984 she married Naomi Landav and they built their home in Nahariya. , Has performed its work thoroughly and professionally, “has established the laboratory and has helped to achieve the high professional level of this department”; “She has fulfilled her role by showing dedication, initiative, motivation and a desire to help, including correction squads at unusual times throughout the legend.” Over the years her two children, Israel and Yael, were born. She was a loyal daughter to her parents, a good and diligent woman who loved her home, her husband and her two children. On 30 April 1992, on her way home, she was severely injured in a road accident, and on the following day, on 28 January 1992, she died. She was thirty-two years old when she died. She was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya. Survived by her husband, Ben – Israel, daughter – Yael, mother, four sisters – Dinah, Yehudit, Ruthie and Irit and four brothers – Isaac, Aryeh, Dov and Meir. She was elevated to the rank of Advanced Sergeant after her death. On the emphasis page found in the memorial corner of her immediate headquarters room, “Naomi fulfilled her duties as a platoon commander with an excellent level of artillery, demonstrating motivation, professionalism and dedication above and beyond. Won the full trust and esteem of all the commanders and soldiers of the unit. Naomi’s absence is very noticeable in the unit, real loss without replacement. “In a letter of condolence to the family, the unit commander wrote:” Naomi performed her exemplary role. She served as a model for all the soldiers and soldiers at the level of devotion, professionalism and motivation she displayed in her work. The level of working relations and cooperation between Naomi and the soldiers of the division and the unit are noteworthy and characterized by an excellent relationship between it and all the soldiers and soldiers, regardless of rank. “

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