Bloch, Shevach

Bloch, Shevach

Shevach, son of Roza-Shoshana and Mordechai Bloch, was born on October 5, 1915, in the city of Dorbyan, Lithuania. After graduating from elementary school, he studied at the Yeshivas of Telz and Slobodka. Shvach was active in the Zionist movement and when he was 17, he went on a pioneering training program in the kibbutz and in 1935 immigrated to Israel. Shevach began working with the Kinneret group. In 1946 he settled in Holon. Shevach was a devoted man, loved for his knowledge, with deep love for his homeland. Shevach was a veteran and loyal “Haganah” member and took part in many activities around Kfar Menachem during the 1936-1939 events. Upon the outbreak of the War of Independence, he enlisted in the army and on his way to the front on the 10th of Sivan, June 17, 1948, he died in a road accident near Rosh Pina, where he was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Safed. He left behind his wife, daughter and ason born after his death.

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