Bitran, Yitzhak

Bitran, Yitzhak

Yitzhak, son of Matilda and Yom Tov, was born on June 23, 1951, in Tel Aviv, attended elementary schools in the Hatikva neighborhood and in Ramat Yosef, and completed high school in the ORT vocational high school in Holon . Yitzhak, the black-haired man, or Itzik, blackened by the mouth of his acquaintances, was a cheerful boy-the living spirit in the family and his friends. “Yitzhak could laugh at anything in the world,” his brother said. “With him, everything looked easy and good, because of this quality of his, his friends – like bees who found the honey.” Yitzhak was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of May 1969 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he served as a tank gunner and served as a tank gunner during the War of Attrition, during which he was sent to the front in Sinai. , Said Isaac, and his spirit is as good as ever: “What is the concern? Do not I deserve some freedom? And besides-look at the others. I am here the symbol of health “After he recovered, he was placed in the offices of his unit as a clerk, and his commander wrote:” A good and disciplined soldier. Dedicated to his job. Responsible and enterprising. He completed his regular service in 1972. Immediately after his release, Yitzhak received a job at Israel Aircraft Industries, entered a new department in the factory and quickly climbed the ranks, always looking for new ways to streamline the work – to create things With a maximum of efficiency and minimal waste of time, and in one year’s work he was awarded five awards and a certificate of appreciation from the department manager, and his beloved parents used to say, “You will see how I will paste wallpaper from the efficiency counters.” Yitzhak did not spare any effort, Worked overtime and devoted all his energy to the enterprise, out of a strong desire to move forward and establish his future The Yom Kippur War broke out, Yitzhak was as enthusiastic as ever, and he believed that we would win, and he packed his belongings vigorously and took part in his battle against the Egyptians on the Sinai front and at the stronghold of Hamdiya on October 9, 1973. In his head and died on the way to the hospital, was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul and left behind a father, a mother and three brothers, and he was raised to the rank of sergeant. Central Sinai. ” His brother, Danny, eulogized him: “We stand in front of his picture and remember his mischievous deeds, without Isaac the house being desolate.”

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