Biton, David

Biton, David

Son of Simi and Moshe, was born on 18.2.1963 in Casablanca, Morocco, and immigrated to Israel with his family in late 1963. The family settled in Moshav Ta’anach, where David studied at the “Magen Ta’anach” elementary school. He completed his studies at the “Migdal Or” yeshiva in Migdal HaEmek, and later attended the “Yad LaChars” high school in Tiberias. David completed his studies at the “Urim” pre-military school, with the aim of electrifying a vehicle. David was a good student and diligent, and he loved the profession of electricity. By nature, he was sociable, good-hearted and good-tempered, and easily liked people. David loved life, and enjoyed listening to music and attending dance parties. He was always surrounded by friends and girlfriends, and he spent a lot of time together. His love for athletic activity led him to play football and table tennis. He was also a member of the basketball team in the moshav. In the moshav they recognized him as a good and energetic boy, always ready to help others, but cared more for his family. His father was sick and had difficulty working in the farm, and David took responsibility for working in the fields and helped his father escape financial difficulties. David was drafted into the IDF in May 1980 and assigned to serve in the Ordnance Corps, and after completing basic training, he was assigned to an electricians’ course. His commanders were satisfied with his professional work, and his colleagues in the unit appreciated him and liked him very much. During his service in the IDF, David made sure to help his father in his work in the moshav, and he kept in contact with his family, and at every opportunity he visited the house. On the 18th of Sivan 5743 (18.5.1983) David fell in the line of duty and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Afula. He left behind his parents, four brothers and two sisters. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “David expressed his willingness to perform any function that was best imposed on him, and indeed he did. At the time he was in the brigade he had many friends and friends. We all salute David. “To commemorate his name, his family donated a Torah scroll to the synagogue in the moshav

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