Biton, Amram

Biton, Amram

Born in March 1929 in the city of Casablanca, Morocco, the second child among seven brothers and sisters, a quiet and obedient boy with a quick grasp. Amram graduated from the elementary school of Kol Israel Haverim. His profession – tailoring – he studied in a short time and became a good worker and helps to support the household. He is distinguished from the rest of the family by his interest in Judaism and the fate of Israel. Sadly and bitterly, he absorbed the news of the destruction of European Jewry, and with inner participation and increasing enthusiasm, the struggle of the Yishuv for its freedom. When he came to the UN General Assembly, he recognized that he was among the fighters for the realization of the declaration, and his parents doubted his military might, although he was interested in sports and physical education, but he still felt a weak and cowardly boy, but his decision was so strong and strong that he was allowed, Amram said to sail in secret but was caught by the French police, managed to escape, together with a good friend, to Algiers, from there to France and boarded a ship headed for Haifa Amram arrived in Israel in March 1948 and enlisted immediately Joined the ranks of the fighters in the Givati ​​Brigade, took part in the battle for Jerusalem about a month and a half ago, and then was transferred to the Negev. 948) was killed in a landmine near Negba, and was taken to rest in the military cemetery in Negba.

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