Besser, Einat (“Einati”)

Besser, Einat (“Einati”)

Daughter of Sarah and Ezekiel. Born on 15.12.1969 in Holon, the eldest daughter of her parents, she was born in a warm and loving home into the War of Attrition, and as a baby she stood out in her amazing beauty, blond hair and blue-green eyes, deep eyes that impressed her The family moved to Be’er Sheva, where Einat began her early childhood education in the local kindergarten and was introduced to the Negev, the vegetation, the Bedouin and the desert and learned to love them. Einat, a brilliant student at the Gordon Elementary School, is loved by her friends Ria, she graduated with honors. She played organ and won a scholarship in an urban competition to continue her musical studies. In 1983, the family moved to the officers’ neighborhood in Yavneh and Einat continued her elementary studies at the Ramot Weizmann School and graduated with honors from high school in the biological track at the Ginsburg High School, with a high school diploma. In 1985, the family followed the father to a year of study in the United States. During her high school studies, Einat met Uri and the two became embroiled in a great love. Prior to her enlistment, Einat decided to serve in an interesting, unusual and full of content and challenge, and after deliberation, she went to a pre-military flight-guard training course with her close friend Sharon, In January 1988, Einat was recruited to the IDF, was assigned to serve as a flight controller in the IAF and soon the control tower became her second home. After a year and a half she passed an officer’s course. In the midst of the course, her mother Sarah contracted a malignant disease and Einat was torn between the obligation to the home and its promotion and success in the military system. The dilemma was difficult, but with the support of her parents and a friend she successfully completed the officers’ course. Received the rank of deputy-lieutenant and was assigned as an operations officer. In late August 1989, her mother and Einat died, as usual, internalized and bore the burden, maneuvering with devotion between the squadron and the house, reinforcing and supporting her father and two young brothers. Lively, cheerful and decisive in her work, she manages to take her place in the squadron and instills a sense of trust. In her personal assessments, she is described as a very good company commander who performs her high-level and well-known role in the squadron, and plans for the future – university studies, trips to South America, and maybe a wedding with her pilot, Uri. While she was on her way to the military section of the cemetery in Yavneh, only a few steps away from her mother’s grave. Survived by her father and two brothers, Amir and Roy, and after her death Einat was promoted to the rank of second wife, Shir, from his second marriage In 1996, her father, Yechezkel, died of a serious illness, and in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the squadron commander wrote: “… in her work at the Balata Brigade, Einat was of the highest standard. An excellent officer, a commanding officer with a quick understanding and understanding. I knew that she could be entrusted with running the squadron without fear … a cordial, welcoming, smiling and lively girl. She easily liked us all, commanders and soldiers alike. “

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