Berami, Shimon

Berami, Shimon

Ben Dimona and Amos (Amos). Shimon was born on Tuesday, September 23, 1986. Was the fifth child of the family, after the sharp debut (Chana) and his brother Yaakov, Eliyahu and Meir. After him were Idan and Avraham. Shimon’s father was born in 1949 in the city of Fun, Tunisia, and immigrated to Israel with his parents Eliahu and Hedda Bermi in 1957. They built their home in Moshav Zohar in the Lachish region. Shimon’s mother was born in Israel, the eldest daughter of Jacob and Esther Brami, who also immigrated from Tunisia. “During the pregnancy with Shimon,” his father recalls, “Dimona dreamed that she was in the grave of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai and there sat the babies of the Rabban House And learn the Torah – and the name of the holy tanna is called the name of the newborn Shimon. “Shimon grew up in Moshav Zohar, in the home of the educator, to follow the straight path, to behave in good ways and to respect others, and to honor his parents. , Was like a man, the right hand of the father, hidden in the regular arrangements and even in the courtyard. In addition, Sodu would also wash and dress him literally. And the mother was like a daughter, cutting off her fingernails and coloring them, rubbing her shoulders with her shoulders to soothe her pain, oil cream or voltrin. And this is only a small part … “Shimon was educated until the eighth grade in the independent school of Chazon Yehezkel in Moshav Aluma, near the Lachish region. From 9 th grade onwards, he studied at the “Shaarei Zion” yeshiva in Bnei Brak until the second year, when he closed the yeshiva and later at the Zohar Torah Yeshiva in Ashdod until his enlistment in the IDF. Which took place in Bnei Brak, and then continued as a regional representative for the global test that took place in Ashkelon. At the age of 18 years, on 29 March 2005, Shimon enlisted in the IDF. After regular service, Shimon was recruited to the Border Police in July 2008 and continued to serve in the 25th Battalion, at the Rantis base near the city of Rosh Ha’ayin, and during his service he successfully passed on to the Border Guard. Commander Course and Symbols Course. Shimon’s father says: “His service is intertwined with the presidency of his heart, to carry out his duties in the best and most appropriate manner, to the satisfaction of his commanders, and always wanted more authority and training to allow him to give more for the state. And in every place and sector whose name served before him and even after his fall, when he returned from the base, he would tell about his actions with admiration and enthusiasm, His years in the company were the height of Shimon’s blossoming, and he was beloved and admired by all people With whom he served, studied and met, even if it was a meeting for only a few days, such as courses from the Technion. Always left an indelible impression. “One day when the family sits and receives condolences, the phone rings. On the other side is the choked voice of a woman who wants to talk to the soldier’s mother, and so she says: ‘I was with Shimon from the Matnas. After completing the course, Shimon folded the tent and arranged all the equipment and did not let me do anything. Why? Because I’m a mother. He said. Then when Shimon drove me back to my house I asked him, Shimon, and what about you, when will you get to the house? Then Shimon told me, I’m a man and single, I can manage. But you are a woman, and a mother of three children, you have to make sure you get to them. ‘ The policewoman continues and tells us that the whole course Shimon tells her about his mother, who is unlike any other in the worldWhich is one and only. This is Shimon who appreciates what God has given him and cares no less for the mother that God gave to other children. “Shimon’s commanders had a great opinion about him and they trusted him without question. Even the IDF infantry brigade knew him and loved him and his name was borne only for the better. Even in the moshav was Shimon Sa’ad and supported whenever they approached him, he knew how to help all his acquaintances and the moshavim while reassuring them that everything would work out. On the last Saturday before Shimon’s death, his company commander, Yaniv, organized that as many officers and commanders as possible from the high echelons would be closed together for a few days, and on Friday Shimon was sent to bring him to the base. Shimon answered him, “You know that I want to, but if I remain my parents, the Sabbath will be on my own …” The father continues: “The third heard this and, knowing the great esteem that Shimon has His father told him, ‘If it’s to please Dad, you’re right.’ On that Friday, like many other Fridays, Shimon and Ezer arrived in the garden and arranged the yard, shaved the crippled father with soap all over his body and even told Father, ‘Daddy, I’ll massage you with your legs so that you do not have to suffer muscular degeneration.’ ” On February 7, 2011, Shim’on finished his shift at 14:00 and rested in his room. At night he heard that a soldier who was supposed to go on patrol as a driver said he could not work because of weakness, and volunteered to replace him as a driver in a jeep. At 24:00, Shimon drove as a driver and a team commander with the patrol soldiers to the kitchen and prepared a “shakshuka with loof” for them, as he always did. Afterwards, the tour continued in the area of ​​the village of Budrus until 4:00 AM the next day, on February 8, 2011. At this time they were given a jump on the fence and perhaps an attempted infiltration of terrorists, Sergeant Shimon Brami was killed in the course of his duty, and was buried in the cemetery in Moshav Noga, leaving his parents, sister and five brothers. In memory of the fallen of the police and in the rural center of Nehora, Shimon’s family erected a memorial to him in Moshav Zohar, in which he also commemorated two other residents of the moshav. A different monument was erected to the boys’ garden.

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