Benno, Pinchas (Fekri)

Benno, Pinchas (Fekri)

Pinchas, son of Salima and Shimon, was born in 1942 in Iraq, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1951. He completed his elementary studies at the “Lohamei Hagetaot” school in Kiryat Ata, and completed high school in the vocational high school “International” in Kiryat Haim, where he was a diligent pupil during his elementary years and excelled in his rich imagination, and his choice of high school was easy, since the combination of theoretical studies and practical studies, along with technical progress, suited him. Throughout his years, Pinchas devoted all his energies to creation, and his work was deeply rooted in his soul. He was involved in painting landscapes and flowers, sculpting and concocting – an area in which he realized the tangible things in the work, and his talents were also expressed in the school, in the work of art and in the very joy of creation that was inherent in it. He was a youth with values ​​and ideals, who was willing to dedicate all his life to him, and was the living force among his friends in the movement, who stood out in his energy, the joy of life that radiated from him and the ambition that guided his actions. Pinchas was drafted into the IDF in mid-October 1961. According to the accepted values ​​Pinchas joined the Nahal, where he found the combination of the spirit and the pioneering with the ability to fight and courage, which were a solid foundation in his soul. He chose a merger of training and military knowledge together with agricultural and settlement training. Part of his service was in Emek Yezreel, where he worked during the day and stayed at night. He loved the valley very much and his soul was tied to the earth and nature. Pinhas was a dedicated soldier with values ​​who believed in his path and fulfilled the tasks, out of recognition of the value of the civil service, and after being discharged from regular service he was called for periods of service He was very active in the metal industry, thanks to his training and the knowledge he accumulated during his studies, and he performed his work with impeccable efficiency as a needle in a plastic products factory. He soon gained the admiration of his employers and was recognized in battle His workmates were skilled and devoted, with many chances of advancement, and his clarity of mind helped him on his way to the factory, and he liked to change and try, so his life became full of content and interest. He was very good to his wife, children, and parents, and he took great care to satisfy all their needs and desires, and during his time in the reserves he made sure to write reassuring letters to his family, so as not to worry them. His character, character and way of life gave him great confidence, especially his family. On February 28, 1974, Pinchas was killed in a traffic accident on the Megiddo-Yokneam road, where he was brought to the military cemetery in Haifa and left behind a wife and three children, parents, brothers and sisters.

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