Benaviz, Hanoch

Benaviz, Hanoch

Son of Tzippora and Menachem. He was born on November 8, 1926, in Czestochowa, Poland, from where he immigrated to Palestine at the age of eighteen months, and immediately after arriving in Israel, Hanoch became ill and was admitted to a hospital. After graduating from elementary school, where he stood out as a diligent student who was praised by his teachers, he went to work to help support the family, and here too he was discovered to be an industrious worker dedicated to his work. He joined the Hashomer Hatzair movement and, in the course of time, joined the group Acceleration of the movement which was set up alumni commune to live in. Then he decided to go to a kibbutz and joined the Palestine nucleus in Kibbutz Dalia. Later he joined the Palmach. He was a strong young man, his gaze frank and direct, full of gaiety and humility, yet serious, especially in matters of his movement. On 2 Sivan, 21.5.1947, while carrying out his duties during training, he was killed and left behind parents. His kibbutz put out a memorial page about him.

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