Benary, Shlomo

Benary, Shlomo

Son of-Miriam and Isser, was born on June 14, 1929 in Haifa, and after completing his elementary school in Kiryat Haim he continued to study at the vocational school of the Technion in Haifa and studied mechanics, As a counselor and secretary of the branch, he was a member and a counselor in Gadna. After completing his studies, he moved to the Palmach and was a member of the Bet Hashita training group, where he guided a group of children in the kibbutz, and was among the first to leave the battle. He participated in the battles of Zandela, Zar’in, Mishmar Haemek and took part in the conquest of Acre, the breakthrough to the Galilee, the conquest of Lod and Ramle, the battles of Latrun and Falluja, the break-through to the Negev, the outposts, etc. Despite his dedication to his role in the war, who saw it as necessary for our revival in the Land of Israel, He dreamed of “ending this nightmare for a quiet life of agriculture and labor, construction, creation and peace” – as he wrote in his letters, Shlomo fell on the 18th of Tishrei 5709 (18.10.1948) during Operation Yoav to break through the Negev, Khulikat, when he broke through the head of his platoon to the outpost, and was brought to rest in the cemetery in Mishmar Hanegev.

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