Ben-Shoham, Isaac

Ben-Shoham, Isaac

Yitzhak, son of Keden and Shlomo, was born on September 9, 1936, in Izmir, Turkey, and immigrated to Israel as part of the “Youth Aliyah” in 1950. He began studying in his hometown at Alliance, . When his parents immigrated to Israel he left the farm, sat with them in Jerusalem, worked in the carpentry shop during the day and in the evening attended the Daat School. Yitzhak was a pleasant man, with perseverance, diligence and excellent ability to perform; A man of conscience and truth and a faithful friend of his companions. Everyone respected him for his charming personality, his morality and his spiritual stature. Yitzhak was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of August 1954 and assigned to the Givati Brigade, where he completed his training course for infantry commanders, infantry officers, and paratroopers. After being assigned to the Armored Corps he completed his studies in France, in the Armored Corps Commandment Course and was appointed the commander of an advanced course for Armored Corps officers. He was an outstanding officer, who fulfilled his duties with dedication and responsibility. married Esther in 1958, was a loving and faithful husband and a wonderful father to his son Matan, Yitzach fought in the Six Day War and various retaliation, and began the Six Day War as deputy battalion commander and on the second day of the war, Wrote articles in the IDF magazines discussing the place of the tank in the modern war. He was awarded the “Sinai Signal”, “Six Day War” and “Operation Service Mark” for his extensive combat activities. Sixteen years later he was among those serving in the permanent army, and about three months before the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, On the 7th of Tishrei 5740 (7.10.1973), while commanding his brigade in combat, Yitzhak was hit and killed by enemy fire. In the course of his battle, Colonel Yitzhak Ben-Shoham served as commander of an armored brigade in the Golan Heights On October 7, 1973. On October 7, 1973, during the oil pipeline, he fought to curb the heavy pressure exerted on “Nafah.” Despite the depletion of the brigade, the remaining forces were tired and battered to death, demonstrating courage, and exemplary leadership skills, In the same battle, that same day he was killed. ” He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He left behind a wife and son, mother, brother, and two sisters. In the obituary, Major General Moshe Peled said: “When I speak of you, Isaac, and of your comrades for battle and fate, I see a very long line of legendary fighters, wondrous figures, who have become a people and give us”In the newspaper” Bamahane “a list was published of the” fateful challenge, “in which the story of his brigade,” The Heroism Formation, whose soldiers’ bodies stopped the flood of Syrian tanks and became an exemplary chapter in the history of the war for our existence. ”
For full biography see Hebrew version

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