Ben-Naim, Eyal

Ben-Naim, Eyal

Ben Esther and Abraham. Born in Tel Aviv on February 15, 1970. Studied at the Remez School in Kiryat Shalom and continued his studies at the Rogozin Junior High School in Tel Aviv, where he moved to Kibbutz Ein Zivan He was a member of the Mahanot Ha’olim movement and later served as a counselor and camp coordinator, and he was very interested in politics and during his time in Ein Zivan was active in the Labor Party. At one of the party conferences, and his interest in politics was clearly evident in the final work he had prepared during his twelfth grade studies. Subject of the work: “The split in the United Kibbutz”. He was interested in ancient weapons and kept a collection of ancient swords in his room. His other hobbies were trips to the country of bird watching and photography. He loved riding horses and playing football. He liked to listen to Hebrew songs. Eyal was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1988 and joined the Nahal unit. He was assigned to a Paratroopers Unit as a platoon sergeant, and his commander, who accompanied him a long way, was Eyal “a good soldier and investor, and as a sergeant he cared for the soldiers and they appreciated him very much. He was diligent and professional. He invested all his energy and was an outstanding symbol. “On May 10, 1990, in the Golan Heights, Eyal fell during his service and was put to rest in the military cemetery in Holon. Survived by his parents, two brothers – Chaim and Doron – and a sister – Limor. He was promoted to First Sergeant after his death. In a letter of condolence to the family, his commander wrote: “Eyal volunteered to serve in the paratroopers unit out of a desire to contribute and to realize himself in a combat unit. A few days before the accident Eyal was recommended by his commanders to go to the officers’ course. Eyal saw this as a personal challenge that he intended to implement. “His parents and Kibbutz Ein Zivan published a booklet in his memory.

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