Ben-Abu, Haim

Ben-Abu, Haim

Haim, son of Saul and Isaac, was born on 27.2.1950 in Tangier, Morocco, and immigrated to Israel in 1961 with his mother and brother after he died of his father when he was six years old. Until his eleventh year, Haim studied at the Alliance school in his hometown and when he immigrated to Israel, he completed one year of studies at the “Meginim” elementary school in Kiryat Shmona. Afterward he was sent by Youth Aliyah to the boarding school of the “Amal” school in Kiryat Amal. At the end of the survey, he moved to Kibbutz Afikim and continued his studies at the Amal High School. Where he joined the “Gonen” youth group and completed his training in the profession of regrets. Haim was a lively young man who participated in every social and sporting activity in the local youth company. He took all the Galilee marches and swam in the Sea of ​​Galilee, was an outstanding basketball player and an enthusiastic swimmer. He participated in all the Gadna activities and was a member of the Amal Dance and Dance Company of the Amal School, and he was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1967 along with other members of the “Gonen” nucleus. He was assigned to the Armored Corps and successfully passed one of the first courses of IDF tanks in the IDF, and was assigned to many operations and participated in operational activities of the Armored Corps, maintaining the line along the Suez Canal, etc. He spent his short holidays with his family In Kiryat Shmona, despite the fact that it took long and exhausting journeys from the far south to the northern edge of the country, arriving home late in the day, sleeping for many hours on Saturday and then returning to the south. As a fence in Kibbutz Manara, in order to establish itself economically and economically When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Haim was drafted along with his friends and sent to the front in the area of ​​the Suez Canal, where he knew him from the days of compulsory military service, but was not informed of his family, so as not to worry. On 28.1.1974, Haim was killed while fulfilling his duties and was brought to eternal rest in the Kiryat Shmona cemetery. Survived by a mother, and eight brothers and sisters. In a letter of condolence sent to the bereaved family, his commander noted Haim’s skills and talents, adding that “Haim’s death is a great loss not only for his family, but also for his commanders and comrades.” His family donated a Torah scroll to the local synagogue to commemorate him.

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